Chapter 2214 Jumping Cliff

Although Mo Fangbing is also worried about the beginning of the cloud, their relationship is still not good enough. In order to save their lives, they are still calm.

Pang's instructor heard the news, but he could only sigh again and again. This **** deep valley has no return, and the little girl is dead.

At this time, the bloodless eyes opened his eyes, and stood up happily, looking around for a week, did not see the beginning of the cloud, only to see the golden branch eyes red standing.

The bloodless heart screams: "Golden branch, Xiaojiu sister?"

Jin Zhiwa cried out: "Small nine fell below the cliff! I have to jump to save her, but they stopped me from letting me jump."

When the blood is invincible, the eyes are red: "What? How can Xiaojiu’s sister fall below?"

"Xiaojiu’s younger sister stood on the edge of the cliff and realized the inheritance. I don’t know how to suddenly fall down..."

Jin Zhi’s words have not been finished yet, and the hanging eyes are disdainful: “It is estimated that she did not think that she could not be admitted to the Tiantian Academy, so she committed suicide by jumping off the cliff. This waste is just dead!”

When the eye was smug, I felt that my neck was tightly held, and I saw the bloodless eyes staring at him with red eyes, and the eyes were full of cold.

"Bloodless, what are you doing? Don't let go!" Pang Tutor snarled.

There were several instructors who came over and pulled the blood out of the poles. The coughing of the eye was so strong that it was hard to slow down this breath, but it was not a word to say.

Blood Promise and Jinzhi, like the Pang Tutor and others to save the cloud, the answer is still, no one can save the cloud, this **** has no return, there is no way to go, it is impossible to A dead person will take another life.

The bloodless expression gradually calmed down. Everyone thought that he had been convinced, so he relaxed his vigilance. At this moment, the bloodless rushed to the edge of the cliff and jumped down, and the golden branch followed.

Mo Fangbing’s eyes flashed a few times, but he still couldn’t move his footsteps. Although the ink grass was good, he couldn’t know if he was dead and still jumped.

Pang tutor and others saw the bloodlessness and Jinzhi jumped down, and hurriedly slammed their feet. Isn't this ruined in vain? !

Everyone sighed, the blood is not only the variability of the wind, but also just passed down, so it is so dead, it is sigh!

However, many people have been touched by the bloodless and golden branches. What kind of friendship is this that allows them to know that they are dead but are jumping backwards without hesitation? This kind of heart is really rare!

However, in any case, the fourth round of tests ended with such a regrettable ending, and a total of more than 500 people were passed down.

Three days after Pang’s mentor announced that the students had officially started school, then everyone dispersed and Tiandao Cliff resumed calm again.

After the bloodless and golden branches jumped off the cliff, they only felt the sound of the wind whistling in the ear. The bottom was covered by the clouds, and nothing could be seen.

Blood Promise and Jinzhi intend to call out the sword and sword flying. The discovery of panic has no way to smash the sword. It is actually a no-fly. There is a thought in the heads of the two people. It is over, and this is dead!

However, the two do not regret it. If they really disregard the cloud, they will fall into pain and self-blame for the rest of their lives.

After passing through the cloud layer, the two saw the bones of the forest below, which are estimated to be the bones of humans or monsters that had fallen before. The two of them are cold, and they will soon become a member of these bones, not to mention In addition, falling on the ground will be broken and broken bones.

(End of this chapter)

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