Chapter 2219 Cave

The little black rat burrowed quickly, and in less than an hour he dug a cave full of three people.

The three men climbed into the cave and finally breathed a sigh of relief. The demon planting was no way to attack them.

This also provides an escape route for everyone, just let the little black mouse dig out the hole, and everyone can climb the hole in the stone steps.

But considering the height of the valley from the cliff, this is a long process that can take several months to complete. And during the climb, there may be a danger of falling.

However, in any case, I finally found a way out.

After the three people negotiated, they decided to wait five days here. If the Emperor Beibei did not come to save them after five days, they would let the little black rat dig holes.

The sleepyness gradually came, and the bloodlessness was guarded at the entrance of the cave. The clouds and the golden branches fell to the ground and fell asleep.

After dawn, the cloud and the golden branches were on duty, and the blood was so violent that they lay down to rest.

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked at the hole and looked down.

It may be because of the daytime that those demon plants have restored normal plant morphology, as if yesterday’s attack did not occur.

At the beginning of the cloud, when they just fell, the demon plants did not attack them. Perhaps these demon plants only actively attacked when the sky was dark.

In order to verify her own thoughts, she leaped to the ground and released a wind-blade rabbit from the illusory world.

The wind-blade rabbit was obviously confused. When I saw plants in front, I jumped to the plants.

When the wind-blade rabbit squatted on the white bones, the demon plants did not respond until the wind-blade rabbit approached the demon plant, and when they wanted to forage, the demon plant launched the attack.

The attack power of the demon plant has dropped a lot compared to last night. This proves that the idea of ​​the cloud is correct, and the attack power of these demon plants is greatly weakened during the day, so it is generally not active.

At the beginning of the cloud, I touched my chin. If this is the case, then I can explore the situation in the daytime, and in the evening, let the little black rat dig holes in the cliff.

After the bloodless waking up in the afternoon, Yunchuyi said his thoughts with Blood Promise and Jinzhi. The two completely agreed. Instead of waiting passively, it is better to go to the front to explore. Anyway, they already know the weaknesses of these demon plants. And it won't be too bad.

So, the next morning, the three had eaten breakfast, jumped from the cave, and tempted a distance forward, and those demon plants did not respond.

The three men carefully proceeded forward until the afternoon, when they reached the end of the valley.

There is actually a cave at the end of the valley. There are still no demon plants growing near the cave. The three people are hesitant. Do you want to go in?

At the beginning of the cloud, a wind-blade rabbit was created from the sinister secret environment and drove into the cave.

The trio listened to it, and there was nothing screaming.

After a while, there was nothing unusual, and the three men walked into the cave.

The inside of the cave is lower than the temperature outside, but fortunately the three are cultivators and can bear it.

At the beginning of the cloud, I took out the night pearl lighting and found that the cave was getting more and more spacious inside, and what was interesting to the cloud was that there was a kind of slippery liquid in the cave, whether it was on the wall or on the ground. Can explain why there is no demon planting here.

(End of this chapter)

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