Chapter 2222 withered flowers

The flower was so bright that it blocked the liquid that splashed on it, but the cloud saw that the mask of the flower was corroded by the liquid.

The beginning of the cloud is a big joy, this liquid is really the nemesis of this flower!

So, the two people began to splash the water, the flower was ruthless, and all the seven leaves on the stem were shot at the beginning of the cloud.

The beginning of the cloud and the bloodlessness had to sneak into the bottom of the water again. When the flower was proud, it saw the water tumbling, and the cloud and the bloodless rushed directly to the seven leaves.

The seven leaves can be without a shield, and the moment they are eroded by corrosion, they will become nothingness.

The attitude of the flower changed immediately, and the pitiful pleading said: "Little fairy, although I am a demon, but my attack is very strong! As long as we signed the contract, I will be able to help you! ”

At the beginning of the cloud, I touched my chin and thought for a while: "You seem to have some truth. I really need a powerful helper. Anyway, you have no leaves to attack me anymore, I will accept you!"

Yunchu said that he actually swam towards the flower. The petals of the flower were slightly trembling, and it was obviously very exciting.

It is smug to think that this little girl is awkward, but it is still too tender, as long as she comes up, it is her death!

At this moment, a large pot of liquid poured into the flower, the flower was not prepared, and was splashed, and suddenly made a scream of screams.

At the beginning of the cloud, no matter what it calls, it doesn't call, it keeps pouring liquid on it, and the blood is coming to help. The two hate to splash the liquid in the pool to the flower.

The light of the flower gradually dimmed. First, the petals began to shrink, and then the stem began to shrink. In the end, it turned into a seed.

When the cloud saw this seed, he immediately remembered the strange grass in Dantian. The weeds swayed the leaves and indicated that it was not the same as this vicious flower.

I didn’t dare to touch the seed at the beginning of the cloud. Since someone used this liquid to trap the flower, it means that although the liquid has a deterrent effect on the flower, it does not kill it, or else It would not be so laborious to trap it with a pool.

At the beginning of the cloud, I tried to use lightning bolts, fried with purple needles, and bloodlessly tried to attack with the spiritual skull, but the seeds were intact.

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked at my right hand and said sincerely: "Small flames, I know that you may not have much power now, but this seed is a scourge. Only the strongest fire in your world can clean it up. You burn it. Dead, what do you ask me to meet you in the future, okay?"

At the beginning of the cloud, the palm of the right hand was hot. The cloud was filled with joy at the beginning of the cloud. The seed was a few lightning bolts.

The seeds made a scream of screaming, and the clouds were afraid that it would not die, and the cockroaches of the cockroaches finally turned into seeds.

At the beginning of the cloud, he kissed his right hand and kissed him a few times: "Little flame! I just love you!"

This cargo does not know at this time, she will regret the promise of a small flame in the future, and it is simply a history of blood and tears.

When Yunchu was right-handed, she found that the liquid in the pool began to decrease rapidly. She couldn’t help wondering what was going on?

(End of this chapter)

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