Chapter 2230 was dismissed

Sure enough, everyone listened to the beginning of the cloud, and suddenly there was no interest. After all, they were not Tianlei Linggen. As for the inheritance of the characters in the middle class, it is not unusual. It is estimated that Tiandao Cliff compensates her, so this grade is very general.

The people asked a few more questions, and the cloud was answered "as is".

When the director of Gongsun saw no objection, he said to an old man of goatee: "Tian Tutor, you are the general instructor of the first grade. These three students will be handed over to you to arrange it."

After the grandson’s dean said that he had turned away from Tiandao Cliff, the other tutors had their own things to be busy, and they all left.

In the end, there was only the Tian Tutor and three first-year tutors.

The Tian tutor glanced at the three people at the beginning of the cloud and then looked at the three mentor: "Who are you willing to accept these three students?"

One of the bald instructors said: "The qualifications of the students in our class are the best, and the bloodlessness is still okay. I want him. The other two, even."

Another thin and tall smile said: "There was a good teacher in your class. Some of the qualifications in your class are that this bloodlessness will give us the class of the month!"

The bald-headed tutor snorted: "Old Yu, since you said so, then this bloodless promise will be given to you! However, I want to remind you that although he is a variant of the wind, but the start is too low, no For three or five years, it is impossible to catch up with the students in our day class."

The remaining mentor said slightly, "That is, the class of the day is comparable to the class of our month and the class of the stars?! Dong tutor, are you saying?"

A lean man heard the instructor ask, and snorted: "Hey, what good things have made you both? You took the good ones and left me two wastes? If you want to You have to go to these three, or you don’t want one."

The men’s face of the month’s class has become somewhat difficult to look at: “Dong Tutor, you can’t talk about yin and yang! It’s the college that arranges your responsibility for the Stars class. You have grievances to find the Dean! Besides, the bloodless qualification is inherently better than the other. Two good, what happened to our monthly class? The two wastes should have been your star class."

"You have to sell cheaply! How do you become the mentor of the class last month, don't think I don't know!"

"Dong Hanyuan, you are bloody!"


At the beginning of the cloud, I looked at it with a cold eye. None of the three tutors looked like a teacher. The general tutor of Tian was not a good bird. The days of the Tiantian Academy must be very interesting!

The beginning of the cloud gave blood to the endless eyes, and the bloodless coughed two times. Then he said: "The two mentor, the three of us want to be in the same class, which tutor agrees to receive the three of us, which class I will go to. ""

The mentor of the month class frowned. "The blood is extremely promising. Your qualifications are much better than the two of them. You can't self-destruct the future."

The director of the Star Class’s director said proudly: "Yu tutor, you should not waste your time. The three of them are friends of the same life and will not be separated. If you can't all receive them, these three are our class." It’s up."

I was thinking about it. I felt that because of a bloodlessness, it was not worthwhile to collect more than two wastes. So I sighed and said to the bloodlessness: "The atmosphere of this different class is very different. You will regret it. It is really a matter of anger. !"

Blood is infinitely smiling and not talking, what about the class of the day and the class of the month? ! It is where gold shines, and walks!

The tutor of the field saw that the matter had been solved, and he said nothing and went straight.

(End of this chapter)

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