Chapter 2234

At the beginning of the cloud, he looked at the materials on the table. According to Mo Fangbing, there is an identity jade card in the admission materials, two uniforms of the students of the Criminal College, a "College Code", and a dormitory jade card.

Although the materials on this table are the same, the student uniforms are full of dust. The College Code is rolled over. Although the dormitory jade is good, it is estimated that the dormitory allocated to them must be the worst. .

"This instructor, can this dress and manual change us to a new one?" asked Yun.

The horse-faced instructor snorted: "Is it still awkward to eat? Love or not, don't pull it down! You have been taken away from the dog, squatting, and transported. Now you still pick and choose, it's really self-effacing!"

"This instructor, I will ask you again, can you change?" Yun asked at first faint.

"Do you have a special ear?! I said that I can't change it..."

The words of the horse-faced mentor came to an abrupt end, and his screams were replaced.

When everyone reacted, I saw that the horse face instructor was pressed on the table by the bloodless promise and the golden branch. The first time the cloud was facing his face, even the back molars were flying!

The tutor shouted like a pig, and even called for help.

The other instructors at the chores rushed to stop: "Stop! What are you doing?!"

At the beginning of the cloud, the bloodless and golden branches let go of the mentor, but the cloud was stunned by the mentor for a few times. The tutor was even more screaming.

"It hurts me! It hurts me! You are waiting for three wastes! You will be fired! It is against you to dare to beat the mentor!" The instructor screamed as he screamed.

At the beginning of the cloud, I sneered again and again: "Do you have a snobbery like this?" When we enter the door, you attack us and give us unqualified materials. I ask you to change, but you insult us. What face do you have to say that you are a mentor?!"

The tutor listened to Yunchu’s first words, and he’s even more powerful: “You’re a little slut! If you say flowers, it’s true that you beat the mentor, you are waiting to be fired! Oh, it hurts me! You are waiting, I will report it to the law enforcement office now."

After the instructor finished, he took out his identity and praised the matter and said it to the responsible instructor of the law enforcement department.

"You wait, the people at the law enforcement office are coming soon!" said the horse face instructor.

The beginning of the cloud suddenly jumped forward, and it was a mammoth to the horse face tutor: "Okay! Anyway, we have to be fired, then it will be a happy! Wuji brother, don't lie, you I not have wanted to hit him? beat me severely, leaving breath on the line! "

Where the bloodlessness is polite, the mentor is a fat cockroach, and the golden branch is not idle, and the mentor is scratched with a face.

The rest of the clerk at the chores wanted to stop it. Nai Yun first smashed the goods with a big kitchen knife. "You guys, let's have a debt, don't force me to kill. If you come over, I will give him. Killed!"

If the mentor is really true, it can be used to protect the cloud, but the normal face of the horse is not very good, so no one is willing to take risks. If the little girl is irritated, it really kills people. It is a slap in the face.

Therefore, when several instructors from the Law Enforcement Office arrived, they heard the screams of the horse-faced mentor, which was even more tragic than killing pigs.

(End of this chapter)

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