Chapter 2237 This is a female bandit

When Liu’s tutor was hesitating, he heard someone say: “It’s a good thing, it really should reward you.”

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw a comer, and my heart was happy. It’s really a time for this Pontian tutor to come. If he doesn’t come, he still has to pay a lot of words to convince the Liu tutor.

Pang’s mentor is obviously higher than the position of Liu’s mentor because Liu’s tutor heard the Pang tutor say this and immediately said, “Well, you three have really made great contributions to the college. Each person rewards you with one thousand points and deducts Beat the two hundred points of the tutor, and you each have nine hundred points left."

After the gratitude of the three people in the early days of the cloud, Pang’s mentor reprimanded the three men, and nothing more than acting in accordance with the rules.

The teacher was gnashing his teeth, but he seemed to be afraid of Pang Tutor, so he did not dare to raise an objection.

Although Pang’s tutor did not see the actions of the tutor, Zhang’s tutor was a chores, and he did not say much. He took Liu’s mentor and others.

After seeing Liu Tuoshi and others left, Yun Chuan turned and smiled and looked at Zhang Tutor: "Zhang Tutor, can this dress and manual change us into new ones?"

The tutor hated not to smash the cloud, and snorted: "Can't change! Love or not!"

"Can not change? Can not change. Anyway, I now have nine hundred points, one day I beat you again, but two hundred points, I attached a good beat you four days! If you do not think quickly, the two of them beat you again Eight days, is this very interesting?" Yunchu took out a big kitchen knife and smashed it on the table.

"You, you, you dare?!" Zhang tutor said guilty.


At the beginning of the cloud, a kitchen knife cut the table in half, and did not wait for the tutor of the chores to speak. The goods said: "Destroy the college property, deduct five to one hundred points depending on the plot. This table is at most Five points, you deducted it, I have no objection."

The instructors at the chores looked at each other. This is a student, this is a female bandit!

At the beginning of the cloud, he took a big kitchen knife and shook it in front of Zhang’s tutor: “How? Can it be changed or not?”

Although the instructor couldn't wait to kill the cloud, but he is not hurt now, and there is no fear of the beginning of the cloud, he had to bite his teeth and take out three sets of new materials to be dropped on another table.

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked at it. This time it was all new. She picked up the tokens of the three dorms and said, "Give me three best hostels. If you dare to perfuse me, I will come over to you tomorrow. Do not believe, let's try!"

Zhang Tutor turned his head and looked at the rest of the clerk of the chores. He wanted people to come over and help. The mentor did not see it one by one. He was joking. This ink grass is so ferocious. If you would rather spend two hundred points, how can they get a meal? do? !

Although their spiritual power is higher than the beginning of the cloud, but the barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes, if it is injured, it is not worthwhile.

Zhang’s instructor saw no one coming to help, and the gas was straight, and he had to take out three dormitory jade cards and threw them on the table: “The three dorms are single-family houses, cheaper for you!”

At the beginning of the cloud, I was satisfied with the distribution of things to the bloodless and golden branches. I smiled and said: "Zhang Tutor, this is not a bad idea. I will come to see you often, let's see you later!"

The tutor only felt that his head was suffocating, and his eyes were black, and he fainted again.

(End of this chapter)

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