Chapter 2239 The Herd of Horses

I haven’t slept well in these days, so I went to bed early in the evening.

After a good night's sleep, after eating breakfast, the first three people went to the classroom.

The students encountered on the road pointed to the three people, and there was a lot of discussion. What was said was nothing more than what happened in the chores yesterday. Even the three people in Tiandao Cliff were treated as talks.

The three people in the beginning of the cloud are all my own, so I don't care. According to the place where Mo Fangbing told them yesterday, I successfully found the classroom of the first-grade class.

After entering the classroom, the cloud couldn’t help but be amazed.

The classroom of the Tiantian Academy is very different from the Tianyuan College. The classroom of Tianyuan College is nothing more than the front desk of the tutor, and the desk below.

The classroom of the Criminal Academy is round, with a large round table in the middle, surrounded by a few students' desks.

At this time, there are already a lot of students in the Star Class. When I saw the beginning of the cloud, the three people came in different eyes, and they were curious, and they were disdainful, and some showed their hatred.

Mo Fangbing just had to stand up and say hello to Yunchu. A white woman next to her said contemptuously: "If you are close to them, you will move to their yard and don't squeeze in with us."

Another girl in the powder coat also echoed: "That is, if you want to climb the branches and hurry, we can't hold you in this temple."

Mo Fangbing bit his lip and the two women who spoke were the ones who lived with her in the yard. If she insisted on going to talk to Yun Yun, they would definitely reject her.

Mo Fangbing measured the pros and cons and bowed his head. He did not go to say hello to Yunchu.

She feels that the temperament of the beginning of the cloud will cause a big disaster sooner or later. It is better to keep a certain distance from her now, so as not to be affected.

The beginning of the cloud is more refined. When she saw Mo Fangbing bowing her head and didn't look at her, she guessed that it was a good one. I couldn't help but sigh. I thought that this Mofang ice was a clear one. I didn't expect to encounter something, but it was like this.

In fact, Yunchu and Jinzhi both negotiated well. After preparing for class today, let Mo Fangbing move to the courtyard of Jinzhi.

They don't blame Mo Fangbing for not jumping off the cliff, nor blaming Mo Fangbing for helping to get the Zhang tutor. After all, the friendship is not deep.

Unexpectedly, Mo Fangbing wanted to draw a line with them. Well, in this case, then the bridge will return to the bridge, the way back!

If Mo Fangbing knows what they intended from the beginning of the cloud, it is estimated that the intestines will be remorseful.

The students have arrived one after another. After a while, the Dong Tutor of the Star Class came in.

The mentor walked onto the round table and glanced at the crowd. His eyes stopped at the first few clouds, but the eyes were not very friendly.

Dong Tutor said with a sullen face: "You can become a student of the Criminal Academy. You should be proud and proud! I have only two requirements for you, one is to cultivate well, the other is not to cause trouble to me!

Some students not only have low level of spiritual power, but also cause trouble on the first day of school. I don't want to see such things again.

If you commit another crime, please leave our Star Class. Such a black sheep will sooner or later join us in the class of our stars. Did you hear clearly? ”

When Mo Fangbing heard Dong’s tutor say this, she suddenly felt that her decision had been right, and they would cause big trouble sooner or later.

Eighth. Dear, good morning, what?

(End of this chapter)

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