Chapter 2242

Mo Fangbing simply did not dare to look at the eyes of the cloud, and said: "Mofang grass, in the future, we still have less to come, I have to concentrate on cultivation."

At the beginning of the cloud, he sneered aloud: "Well, if that's the case, then you should be well! I hope you don't regret it."

When Mo Xiangcao heard the beginning of the cloud, he felt empty and suddenly felt empty. She bit her lip and convince herself that the three of them are not only low in spirit, have no background, but they will sooner or later blame, and it is right to draw a line with them.

What's more, the few people who met on the street before seem to be first-class families, and sooner or later they will find ink and grass. Even if the great-grandfather knew about the matter here, she must agree with her to draw a line with them.

Jin Zhi is watching on the side of the cold, only one comment on the behavior of Mo Fangbing, stupid!

Although Xiaojiu is a temper, but a person who is extremely short-sighted, she will never worry that she will betray her friends, and that she can be born and died for her friends. Mo Fangbing actually gave up such a friend, and chose those idiots, it is really a bag!

At the beginning of the cloud, it is very calm. If you don’t want such a friend, you won’t get a critical moment.

After a while, a mentor came in.

"I am the road instructor who teaches you the lessons. I know that most of you will not take courses in the future, but there are more understandings of the types and characteristics of the symbols. For your future enemies, it is absolutely helpful.

Therefore, the first-grade course is mainly to explain the types and characteristics of the symbols. When you are in the second grade, the students who have taken the Fuxi will be exposed to the drawing of higher-order symbols. ”

After the first meeting of the cloud, I want to hit the wall! Who wants to listen to the characteristics of these symbols? ! To dry goods! To be practical! She came to the Tiantian Academy to learn from Fuxi, or else to go to the unintentional swordsmanship? !

However, she thought of the inheritance from Tiandaoya, and she comforted her in the heart. It’s a big deal! Really not, you can go to Tiandao Cliff and pick up a few inheritances. Anyway, she still has a recording stone in her hand! The conversation that day was recorded.

After an hour, the Fuxi class is over.

The first few people in the cloud had lunch in the dining hall and walked slowly to the dormitory.

When the three of them just arrived at the gate of the yard, they saw a group of people waiting for them with poor gaze.

"You are just coming back, these three yards, my brother, they are fancy, you vacate the yard, and find another place to live!" It is the hang-eye, Zhu Jingtie.

There are three people standing behind Zhu Jingtie. One of them is also a hanging eye. The appearance is similar to that of Zhu Jingtie. The other two long ones were human-like dogs, and they looked at the clouds and looked at the three.

At the beginning of the cloud, Zhu Jingtie looked at it: "The dormitory is allocated by the chores. We don't count it. If you want to change the yard, look for the chores."

"Smelly girl, don't give your face a shame! My brother, they are the seniors. I want your yard to be worthy of you. Today, you have to let it be allowed, or you don't want to enter the dormitory. You can take the courtyard." Block it for me, I can't let this stinky head!"

Sure enough, Zhu Jingtie’s dog legs blocked the gates of the three courtyards, and looked at the three men in the clouds.

(End of this chapter)

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