How interesting is Chapter 2261?

When Tiandao Cliff was thinking about it, I saw that the spiritual level of Yunchu’s body became a layer of Lingxuan. Although this product wanted to seduce it, but I was afraid of getting into trouble, I decided to find another opportunity. The level of spiritual power is raised, and this time it will not be adjusted.

Tiandao Cliff thought that Yunchu had done this for the sake of playing pigs and eating tigers. It was for the sake of people. He reminded him of the things just now, and the anger in his heart suddenly rose.

"Smelly girl! You said, how do you count the things that have just framed me?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I turned a blind eye. Is this Tiandao Cliff an intermittent neuropathy? Just chatting well, how did you suddenly turn your face?

"Small day, how can I frame you? Well, I admit, I am asking you to help me a little, but why didn't I let others help? That is because this fairyland is not only who you are, but who else can Against the thunder? Who else? Tell me who else?"

Tiandao Cliff was asked by several lines of the beginning of the cloud. Yes, except for it, who can still be such a fork? Who can fight with the clouds? Who is it? !

"Small day, I believe that you already have the answer, right? The more responsible the person, the more responsibility you have on your shoulders. I am your friend anyway, I am a student of the Criminal Academy anyway." As a guardian of the Criminal Academy, shouldn’t you come forward and save me?”

Tiandao Ya suddenly felt that his image had become taller, and then looked down at the small steamed bun at the bottom of the valley. I felt that it was too careful. I didn’t have any help for it. After all, it didn’t have any loss. ?

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw that Tiandao Cliff didn’t speak. I knew that the fish had been hooked. She smiled and said: “Small day, let’s say, don’t you think it’s fun to play with the dark clouds? You said that you have been sentenced to prison for so many years. The people of the college release the inheritance, what fun do you have?

You think about the past, do you not think it is interesting? The dark clouds are fleeing by your powerful ability, and it’s fun! ”

Tiandao Cliff thought about what happened just now. It was also Ha. The dark cloud thought that it had something great. Can Laozi abuse it? ! The last escape, like the dog of the family, is really great!

Tiandaoya feels that the past hundreds of thousands of years seem to be a pale memory. Only the stinking head pits and the dark clouds are vivid colors. It seems that this day has become interesting too!

After Tiandao Cliff was taken to the tower, this attitude immediately changed: "Little girl, you still have a few points. The black cloud is not like me, it is too weak! Not my bragging, don't say 劈At five o'clock, I let it linger for ten days and ten nights. It can't help me!"

"That is, you are Tiandao Cliff! It is not a grade with a dark cloud, you are like the sun in the sky, the dark clouds are too small candles, or the little wax head that burns quickly!" The smile of the flattering.

Tiandaoya is now in a mood to be a comfortable one. Seeing the beginning of the cloud is a pleasing eye, but it is slightly uneasy to say: "Small girl, although this is very happy, you said that Heaven will not punish me?"

"Small day, you will be more worried, I am swearing the old man eight, I am not still alive and kicking!! Then again, the avenue of punishment, is nothing more than thunder, you are afraid of a wool?!" Said the mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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