Chapter 2268 Cutting Honey

At the beginning of the cloud, the first time he stood still and respectfully listened. Later, he saw the tutor's side levy. From the attack power of the worm, he talked about the species of the worm, and also talked about the population characteristics of the worm. Looking at the meaning, there are not a few hours. Can't stop.

At the beginning of the cloud, he simply took out two chairs and sat on his own. Let Du’s mentor sit and listen to Du’s master.

Although Du Tutor said that it was not a question that was first asked by the Yun, but the beginning of the cloud was still very interesting. Many things that Du Tutor said were the first time she heard it.

When the Tutor was incessant, a commissar came over: "Du Tutor, when it’s time to cut the honey, please also drive away the red-tailed bee."

Du Tutor was shocked to hear a moment, and his face was slightly embarrassed.

At the beginning of the cloud, I naturally put the two chairs together. I sincerely said: "Thank you for the confusion of Du’s mentor. I’ve got a long experience today. That, if you have something to do first, I’ll be waiting for you. ”

Although Du’s mentor’s impression of the beginning of the cloud has changed, he feels that the reprimand is still to be reprimanded, so he said: “You will go with me to the house, and then you will say that you are asking for leave.”

The beginning of the cloud, the heart of the heart, this Du Tutor is really a rigid, directly let her go back not to have, but also have to ask a drop of water.

No way, Yunchu had to follow the Tutor and the chores to the house.

When I arrived at the place, I couldn’t help but be surprised. She thought that the bee house was just a beast house. When I thought of this so-called bee house, it was a large garden.

Planted in the garden are flowering plants and trees, and the flowering period is different, so that the red-tailed bee can be collected at any time.

"You are waiting outside, waiting for me to drive the red-eyed poisonous bee to the formation, and you will go in again." Du Tutor said seriously.

After Du Tutor finished speaking, this took out the jade card and opened the bee house and walked in.

The temperament of the red-tailed bee-tailed bee was extremely fierce. When he saw the Tutor coming in, he screamed and attacked the Tutor.

After the Tutor held up the Spiritual hood, it took a lot of effort to drive the bee colony into a battle.

After the Tutor started the formation, he let the Yunchu and the chores enter.

The chores came to the hive and began to take honey.

The first thing in the cloud sucked the nose and sucked it. The honey brewed by the red-tailed bee stings smells very good. I don't know how it tastes.

The goods turned their eyes and smiled and said: "Du Tutor, is this poisonous honey of the red-tailed bee? Is it toxic? What is the effect?"

"The red-tailed bee tail has a poisonous needle, but its honey is not poisonous, not only non-toxic, but also a rare high-grade food. The college regularly harvests honey to entertain guests."

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded. The stinking face said: "Du tutor, is this honey so good as you said? Can I taste it? I will taste a little bit."

Du Tutor was very happy, but still agreed: "You make a small hive yourself, try it."

At the beginning of the cloud, I heard the Du Tutor say this. In her heart, the image of Du Tutor suddenly rose up, and the old-fashioned board is old-fashioned, at least not bad.

At the beginning of the cloud, I couldn’t wait to get to the side of the chores. The hive is huge, and the chores are carefully cutting the outer parts of the hive.

Then, he was forced to find out that the little girl had a big kitchen knife and began to chop the hive with the most honey.

(End of this chapter)

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