Chapter 2273 Reasons for greed

When the cloud first heard the bloodlessness and the golden branch, the first thing was a glimpse, then anxiously explained ": "I, I am not..."

"What are you not? Your arm is not caused by greed? Don't you think that you are not afraid of it with your little cleverness? Xiaojiu sister, you are a smart person, you should reflect on it!"

After the words of the bloodless coldness said these words, they did not take care of the clouds at first, and they left.

Jin Zhi snorted and walked away without looking back.

At the beginning of the cloud, I said, "You, you, hey, I..."

"Hey! Don't eat it! I eat it myself!" The goods smashed a piece of hive and picked it up.

After eating a few mouthfuls, I put it down. I felt that I didn’t have any taste. I took the hive into the storage ring.

After a lot of indiscriminate washing, I was not in the mood to practice, lying in bed alone in a daze.

She knows that the bloodless and golden branches are good for her. She is afraid that she will be dangerous because of greed. She understands and remembers their good.

However, why do you still feel wronged? Why is the nose sour?

Yes, she is greedy, but they know why she has a soft spot for food? Can they appreciate the fear of eating this meal? Can they experience the half-death that was beaten by the old man, just for half a hoe?

Since the past life has been remembered, the feeling of entering the bones is hunger. Everyday I want to think about filling my stomach. If those people don't want to use her to win people's sympathy, she is estimated to have starved to death.

In order to eat, in order to survive, she learned to observe and observe from a variety of people, and learned to be flattering. Everyone else said that her psychological quality is good, her face is thick enough, huh, huh, compared with life, being slammed a few words, what are the few feet?

Fortunately, she was later seen by the agent organization by small means, which was out of the days of starvation, but she also developed the habit of storing food and greed.

Her fridge is always full of food, and even the bedroom is full of food. Every time she arrives, she will surely taste the local food. She will take a few hours of flight in order to eat an authentic meal...

It seems that only this way, in order to let her really feel, really do not have to go hungry! It will never be overshadowed by those nightmares.

At the beginning of the cloud, he buried his head in the quilt and cried silently.

She also wants to live noble and elegant, she also wants to live in the mountains and snow, but a abandoned baby who was thrown in the armpit, a person who lives to live, only food can give her the greatest sense of security.

The four of the spirit beasts were so sad when they saw the clouds crying at the beginning, and they looked at each other. Finally, the little blackbird said weakly: "Master, the past has passed. You are not saying that people want to look forward?" You won’t be hungry anymore, and you’ll have a bad dream!”

"I know that in fact, I did not go hungry after I became an agent. It is more of a psychological reason. You don't have to worry about me, I will think about it."

"Master, greed is nothing wrong, as long as you don't take risks for greed, greedy and greedy, anyway, the little white face can also support you." The little black bird said, it won't admit it because it is a This is what the food is like.

At the beginning of the cloud, he promised to lie in bed and think about what happened recently.

Although I don't want to admit it, but the bloodless and Jinzhi said that it is correct. After she entered the Tiantian Academy, she seemed to have committed another old problem and drifted away.

(End of this chapter)

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