Chapter 2275 kicked the iron plate

At the beginning of the cloud, he was in a bad mood, and he was not in the mood to talk with him. He said coldly: "Good dogs don't block the road, let go!"

"Smelly girl, did you not bully me and my brother didn't have points for the last time? You act arrogantly, and naturally someone helps us to achieve justice. Who is this, do you know?"

At the beginning of the cloud, he looked at the man pointed by Zhu Jingtie. The man was wearing the clothes of the second-year students. He looked proud and looked at the clouds at first sight.

"I don't know, and I don't have any interest in it. Let me go, or I will be welcome."

"You're welcome? Don't you just have a point for you? Tell you the truth, He Hongquan, who is a good friend of my brother, has five hundred points, and you have more than one meal. If you don't want to be jealous, immediately kneel down. I apologize to my brother, otherwise you will not have your good fruit to eat." Zhu Jingtie said arrogantly.

At the beginning of the cloud, he looked at the He Hongquan and said faintly: "He Xuechang, what do you say?"

He Hongquan snorted: "Little girl, don't be too arrogant, Jingtie is the brother of my good friend. If you smash him, it will be my face. However, if you are a woman, you just have to admit your mistake. I will lift my hand and spare you."

"If, can I say no?"

"Since you toast and do not eat and drink fine wine, then I will teach you the rules of the Criminal Academy. You all step back and hand her over to me." He Hongquan said that he was facing the palm of the cloud.

He is obviously not good-willed. He saw the beauty of the beginning of the cloud and moved his mind to want to take advantage of it.

At the beginning of the cloud, her eyes were deep, and she was not in a good mood. He Hongquan hit it, and naturally he would not be polite.

Although she couldn't see He Hongquan's cultivation, the second-grade students, even the Japanese class, were only a layer of spirituality. As long as she grasped the opportunity, she still had a way to win.

At the beginning of the cloud, he jumped to the side, escaped the attack of He Hongquan, and slammed into the abdomen of He Hongquan. He Hongquan naturally wouldn’t sit still, and flashed to the side, and the two men struggled together.

Neither of them used the power, because once the spiritual attack is used, it is not a matter of two hundred points, at least four hundred points. If it is not good, it will be expelled directly.

The movement here quickly attracted many students to come over and watched. When they saw the parties, they had a thought in their hearts, lying in the trough, and this is the ink grass!

"Hey, this ink grass is really a source of trouble! It’s only a few days, how can it dry up?"

"Did you not see that Zhu Jingtie? It is estimated that he is looking for a revenge on the mountain."

"That He Hongquan, I know, is a student of the second grade class. It seems that I found a kind of elixir needed by Lingyuan Park during the last trial, and then the college rewarded him with many points."

"No wonder he dared to work with that scented grass. He was so fearless! This time, the ink grass was kicked to the iron plate! She wanted to use the points to be useless!"


Both Yan Shanshan and Xi Yunxia are also in the crowd. The two have returned to good, and their faces are a look of gloating. He Hongquan’s spiritual power was heard to be a layer of spirituality, and the ink grass was only one layer of Lingxuan, and she waited for it!

Mo Fangbing stood beside them and hesitated, but still took out the identity jade card and wanted to give Jinzhi a letter.

"Mo Fangbing, what do you want to do? Don't worry about it, or Zhu Jingtie can't spare you." Xi Xiaxia said.

Mo Fangbing had to collect the identity jade card, and said that the ink is not that I will not save you, I am also forced to helpless, you ask for more happiness!

(End of this chapter)

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