Chapter 2279 Ye Family invites again

"Fu Guan, according to my knowledge, when my mother was removed from the family, why is the courtyard of a delisted lady intact?" Yun asked in a faint mood.

"This, this" Fu Guan's forehead couldn't help but see out the fine sweat. He didn't expect the lie to be pierced at once. He had to bite his teeth and said: "Miss, it is a small mistake, even though Miss Yan's yard. Already occupied, but as long as you follow the small back leaf family, the old man will make people return the yard to the original."

"It turns out that. Of all, I don't count as the master of Ye Family's seriousness. The Fu Guan family doesn't have to be so nervous." Yun's tone is still faint.

Although Fu Guan’s heart knows that this watch is just a layer of Ling Xuan, the family is only a side branch of the third-class family, but somehow, she can see the shadow of Ye Hao in her body, and her heart is involuntarily afraid.

Fu Guan’s thought of Ye Hao, I couldn’t help but sigh. Ye Hao is a young lady of Ye’s family, but at that time it was the pride of the East China. It was the pride of Ye’s family. When I thought of it, I ended up being degraded to the Western Continent. Xiang Xiaoyu is hurting! Really make people!

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw that the housekeeper had some slight disappointment and coughed: "Fu Guan, I am still saying that, I will go to Yefu to visit after a long vacation."

Fu Guan’s attitude was firm and he had to reverence and leave.

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw that the housekeeper was far away. When I wanted to turn around and return to the Tianyuan Academy, I heard a sharp voice saying: "Mo Fangcao! I warn you, you are not allowed to step into our leaf family half step, otherwise I will kill about you!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I turned around and looked at Ye Bingyu. Her side is Liu Pinyan and Liu Jinxi's brother and sister.

Ye Bingyu also received a letter from her family to know that the stinky head she encountered in the psychedelic forest turned out to be her cousin. No wonder their looks are a bit like each other! Pooh! But it is a daughter who is delisted and a prostitute, not worthy of being her cousin.

At the beginning of the cloud, I curled up my mouth and said: "You seem to have made a mistake. It is your Ye Family who invited me three times and five times, and I refused! Ye Bingyu, don't think that everyone can't wait to go to your house, I am too lazy. Go!"

"Hey! You said it is good, your mother is a shameless person, you are a little man of life!"


At the beginning of the cloud, Ye Bingyu slaps a slap in the face and grabs her neck: "Ye Bingyu, if you dare to say that my mother is not, I killed you."

Ye Bingyu was caught in the neck, naturally it was a word that could not be said, and his face was blue and purple, and he would not be able to see it.

Liu Jinyan scared and exclaimed: "You are about to let go! Ice feathers are going to be killed by you!"

The cloud snorted and snorted, which released Ye Bingyu.

Ye Bingyu kept coughing, and finally he slowed down this tone, and his face slammed into the cloud: "Hey! You dare to beat me? I want to kill you!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I flashed lightly and escaped the attack of Ye Bingyu. I said coldly: "If you want to be dismissed by the city regulations or expelled from the Rock College, you will continue to fight with me. Anyway, I am not afraid of wearing it. Shoes."

Liu Jinyan heard the words and quickly stopped Ye Bingyu: "Ice, don't be impulsive, she is right, if the law enforcement team of Tianluo City and the college is attracted, it will be worse!"

There is also a chapter, still in the code, the code is finished.

(End of this chapter)

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