Chapter 2285 Residence

Ye Bingyu’s heart is grievous and she wants to vomit blood. She has lived so much, and the humiliation she received was from the ink grass in front of her eyes.

However, she has a tough backing. The person can not disturb the Yejia's bodyguards to do those things. It is easy to kill the Ye family, so she can only bite her teeth.

When he heard that the flying spirits had just arrived outside Yecheng, Ye Bingyu couldn’t wait to say: "Mofangcao, go to Yecheng, and have time to talk later."

At the beginning of the cloud, he hooked his mouth and followed Ye Bingyu’s flying spirit.

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw the two characters of "Yecheng" on the city gate. I couldn't help but laugh at myself. The Yun family is also a city, but it is just a homonym.

However, since the name of the city is called Yecheng, the strength of the Ye family can be seen.

The guards of the city gate saw Ye Bingyu and Ye Wenhong, both of whom were very respectful greetings, and they were very respectful to Fu Guan, which further proved the power of Ye Family.

Yecheng was very prosperous and the scale was very large. The pedestrians took a small half-hour to come to the front of a quaint palace.

On the plaque of Fumen, there are two words written in ancient scriptures, and several guards stand at the door.

At the beginning of the cloud, I couldn’t help but feel secret. In normal circumstances, there are only a few people who guard the door. Ye Fu has sent so many guards. It is estimated that the last time Xiaobai’s face scared them.

"Miss watch, small people will take you to the guest house to wash and rest, and then go to see the old man, can you see?" Fu Guanjia asked respectfully.

"Guests can be with the Lord, naturally it is ok. However, I remember that the Fu Butler said that if I came to Yefu, I would let me live in the yard where my mother used to live."

At the beginning of the cloud, the dark scorpion stared at the housekeeper and did not continue to say it.

Fu Guan's heart is a stagnation, although he is a man, but the first-class family's big butler is not much worse than the second-class family.

Therefore, he is also a person who has seen a big scene. He can only be helpless when facing the old man. However, in front of this low-spirited watch, he repeatedly makes him sweat, because it is because she and Miss Yan are similar. ?

Fu Guanjia did not speak, Ye Bingyu could not help it, and said with a slight sarcasm: "Mo Fangcao, you actually hit the idea of ​​Yu Huayuan? I advise you to save the province!

That is the residence of Xiaoying's sister. The ice-shadow sister is the pride of our Ye family. She only graduated from the Rock College in three years, and she will soon become a foreign disciple of the mixed yuan. You fight with her, you are simply not self-reliant! ”

At the beginning of the cloud, the heart of the family became a foreign disciple of the Yuan Yuanzong. He seemed so proud. It seems that the first-class family like Ye Family is indeed incomparable with the super-sects such as the mixed Yuan Zong and Yu Yuanzong.

The first face of the cloud is still a pair of pale and light expressions: "Sister Xue Yu, I know that you are for me, my heart is. Fu Guan, you are not settled?"

Fu Guan's old face was red, and he said: "Miss Zhang, the thing of the residence, the small person still needs to ask the old man, and please come to the guest house to rest temporarily."

At the beginning of the cloud, he smiled a little: "Why is it so troublesome?! I have a personal relationship with my sister, and I will go to her yard to wait for news."

Ye Bingyu’s foot squatted, and the gas almost vomited blood. Just about to oppose it, I saw Yun’s first look at her with a clear scorpion warning. She had to squeeze out a word from her teeth: “Alright, just go. I am there!"

(End of this chapter)

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