Chapter 2301 The birth mother of Ye Hao

"Small nine? It's like the name of a shopkeeper, and it's quite a match with you." Ye Bingyu said that changing the name is not bad, or else she thinks of the three words of the ink grass, she is uncomfortable, hate the teeth itchy.

"Sister Xue Yu, you and I talked about the composition of Ye Jia's staff. I have a mental preparation. After all, if I am ugly tomorrow, isn't it fascinating in the second room?" It will soon be able to adapt to the new identity.

The two talked while walking, and Yunchu had a general understanding of the composition of Ye Family.

Although Ye Jia is a big family, the sons of Yan Zhi are not very prosperous.

Ye Jia Lao Tai has only one son, Ye Yuanliang, and Ye Yuanliang is the grandfather of Yunchu.

Ye Yuanliang’s wife, Ge, gave him two sons and one daughter. The eldest son Ye Zhihui, his wife Liu, has one child and one daughter, Ye Wenhong and Ye Bingying.

The second child, Ye Zhiyong, married his wife, only one daughter, Ye Bingyu.

Ge's daughter is the **** of the old lady's mouth. The full name is Ye Xinyu.

Ye Hao’s full name is Ye Xinyi, but she feels that Ye Hao is better to listen to, so she changed her name to Ye Hao. Since she was favored in Ye Family, she followed her.

Yeh's mother-in-law, Lan Shi, is the side chamber of Ye Yuanliang. It is said to have been bought at the Furnace Pavilion. Therefore, even if Ye Hao is favored, Lan’s status is very general due to his low birth, and he is seriously ill. The jade is damaged.

It is estimated that this is one of the reasons why Ye Hao’s design was removed from Ye’s family. After all, her mother is gone.

blue? At the beginning of the cloud, I thought of the blue dust. This surname is rare, but the blue family is Tianyuan’s mainland. It should have nothing to do with her grandmother.

Ye Bingyu sneaked a pass, but fortunately, the brain of the cloud was so good that it could not be remembered by this bunch of people.

"Yes, ink, Xiaojiu, are you not bragging to let the old poisonous woman ban for a month? Have you said to my great-grandfather?" Ye Bingyu asked.

A mysterious smile at the beginning of the cloud: "I will know tomorrow morning, rest assured, I have always been the safest thing to do."

Ye Bingyu will be suspicious, but she remembers another important thing, her face becomes serious:

"At the beginning of the cloud, I know that you have a strong backing. But if you want to harm our Ye Family, I am not finished with you! I just fight my own life, I will kill you."

At the beginning of the cloud, I couldn’t help but sigh. Even the hateful people have cute things. This Ye Bingyu is arrogant and arrogant, but it is good for his family.

"Sister Xue Yu, you really want more! From now on, I am your sister, I am the Ye family, how can I harm Ye Jia? I hope that Ye Jia will become a super family, I can borrow light. "Yu Yun said with a smile."

Ye Bingyu thinks that she is now Ye family, and she will be right with Ye Jia unless she is sick.

The two returned to Ye Bingyu's yard, and Ye Bingyu was guilty. What did the cloud stop at night?

Although she doesn't hate her so much now, she still can't accept sleeping in the same bed with her.

"I am sleeping in a partial room. I will move into Yuhuayuan tomorrow." Yun said at the beginning of the eye.

Ye Bingyu originally wanted to live in peace with Yunchu, but she couldn't help but see her: "The beginning of the cloud, is there a bag in your mind? I tell you, the old venom is the most favorite is Ye Bingying. And my great-grandfather and grandfather also valued her very much. How could she let her give you Huanyuan?"

(End of this chapter)

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