After the 2305th chapter is the Ye family

Ye Zhiyong sighed in his heart. Although he was honest but not stupid, he couldn’t see Ge’s not waiting to see him. Even his wife and daughter were affected. He really couldn’t understand, he was also a biological son, why he Not being seen by Ge's?

At this moment, Yu’s pale face came in, and at first glance it was a weak body.

Ye Zhiyong couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart, and rushed forward to help him.

Ge is about to attack, Ye Yuanliang and Ye Zhihui came in. The look of the two is not very good, Ye Yuanliang is because of Ge's things, Ye Zhihui is because of the millennium fire.

Ge Shisheng was afraid that Ye Yuanliang would look for her old account yesterday. She did not dare to speak any more, but she glanced at Ye Zhiyong. The meaning was self-evident and warned him not to agree to the succession.

Ye Yuanliang did not look at Ge's eyes and sat on the right hand side of the theme.

The Xianyuan Continent is respected by the right. Therefore, when Ye Jia’s deliberation, the man has always been sitting on the right and the woman is sitting on the left.

Liu’s nature is not good enough to press Ge’s, and he twisted his waist and sat on the seat next to Ge’s. Ye Bingying is sitting next to Liu, who sits at the head of Ye Bingying.

According to common sense, it should be that Mr. Liu took Liu’s seat. After all, Ye Bingying is a junior, but Ye Bingying is very fond of it. He has always been sitting like this, and no one said anything.

For a moment, the house was silent, and a waitress shouted: "The old man is here!"

Everyone stood up and looked toward the door. I saw the old man walking in front of him, followed by two girls, one of whom was Ye Bingyu, and another girl slowly came, so that they could not help but have the illusion, Ye Hao came back?

The anger in Ge’s heart suddenly rose, and he couldn’t kill the cloud. However, Ye Laotai’s prestige is very heavy. Even if she hates her life, she does not dare to show it.

The beginning of the cloud followed the old lady of Ye, quite a bit of foxes and tigers. This goods are proud of the heart, this is the feeling of coming in with the big backing. No one dares to give this lady a look.

Ye Bingyu saw that her mother had nothing wrong with her heart, and she was relieved. She had to say that although this cloud was first used, some of the waste was used, but the bad water was still quite useful.

Ye Bingyu gave a look to the cloud, and then stood by the side of the cockroach. The cloud was standing in the middle without moving. She is the protagonist today. Before Ye’s grandfather did not give her an identity, she was naturally not seated.

After Mrs. Ye’s grandfather was seated, everyone asked for peace, and Ye’s grandfather waved his hand, and everyone was re-settled.

Ye Laotai opened the door and said directly: "I must have known you all. Xiaojiutoutou is the daughter of Shantou. Although Shantou was delisted by the Ye family, the original right and wrong, you all know.

Xiaojiutoutou ate a lot of bitterness, and the blood of her family was flowing. It was too wronged in the Mohist family, so I decided to keep her in Zhiyong.

The name that the Moh family gave her did not use any more. Just use her previous name Yunchu, you call her Xiaojiu. As for the title, it is still from the Shantou, how to call it. Xiao Jiutou, you give everyone a courtesy! ”

At the beginning of the cloud, the eyebrows of the first eye made a gift to Ye Laotai. "Xiao Jiu has seen his great-grandfather, wishing his grandfather, Xianfu, to enjoy it forever, and he will be filial to you after Xiaojiu."

(End of this chapter)

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