Chapter 2318: Fire 貅

Although the black rat will dig holes, but the mountain belly is hot and roasting. It is estimated that if the black mouse is released, it must be roasted into coke.

In a few days, the temperature in this mountain belly may not be able to fall down. How can I go out?

At the beginning of the cloud, I wanted to use the cracker, but if I was worried about the operation, she would become the unlucky one who buried herself alive.

At the beginning of the cloud, I had to take out the rolling pin and beat it around. I wanted to see where it was weak, and then try it with a small needle. After all, the precision of the small needle is higher.

When Yunchu was knocking and beating, she was surprised to find that the other side of the rock wall had also heard the sound of knocking and beating.

Is it possible to have living things across the rock wall?

At the beginning of the cloud, I don’t think this is good news. She is basically the lowest level in the Xianyuan East. If she encounters a high-spirited monk or a high-ranking monster, she is simply looking for death.

At the beginning of the cloud, I didn’t dare to knock again. I didn’t expect the sound of the outside to be more and more dense, and even began to hear the sound of falling rocks.

It seems that the claws of what caught the sound of the rock, the cloud slammed his head and must be a monster! And it is a high-order monster of the fire!

She wants to run, but where can I go in this mountain? The goods bite their teeth, hiding behind a raised rock, and wearing a gas mask.

What's special, when the thing is out of the way, it is greeted with a chili face, and then it is killed with a spiritual needle.

Not long after, the rock wall revealed a hole in the size of the basin. The claws of a beast stretched in. The first rays of the cloud were seen by the glimmer, and the claws were covered with red hair.

In the early days of the cloud, I can’t help but complain, and the claws are as big as the basin. The size of this monster must be small.

As the rock fell, the hole became bigger and bigger, and a huge monster's head came in.

At the beginning of the cloud, her eyes narrowed, and she finally recognized the breed of this monster, which turned out to be a forty-five-order cooking fire.

At the beginning of the cloud, I took a look at my fingers. The forty-fiveth order is equivalent to the five- to six-layered spirit of the human monk. It is really terrible!

The fire shovel often appears near the volcano. Their food is the rock after the fire of the earth's heart. This fire eater is estimated to be aware of the anomaly of the mountain, so I want to come in and find out.

Although the main food of the fire-fighting food is the rock after the fire of the earth's heart, it does not mean that it does not eat people. Maybe you want to change the taste today, not to mention the fact that Yunchu has collected the flames it relies on. It will blame if it does not kill her.

Although the huge skull of the fire has come in, but the body part is still stuck in the hole, it is obviously too anxious to find the head first.

Yunchu knows that this is the only chance to win, and suddenly jumped forward, the surface of the pepper in his hand smashed into the fire, and the purple little shot against the seven-spot of the fire.

At the beginning of the cloud, she thought she would attack. What she did not expect was that although the chili noodles played a role, the role of the spiritual needle was very limited. After the burst sound, there was no harm to the fire.

However, he was anxious about the fire, and it smashed the hole with his claws and smashed it in.

At the beginning of the cloud, the hurriedness was a big bag of chili noodles, but this time the fire was smashed, and the long hair on the neck actually skyrocketed, protecting its head, and facing the cloud. A large group of fires spewed out.

(End of this chapter)

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