Chapter 2322 is cheaper

When the two three-eyed purple-tailed iron claws were proud, they found that the human small weak chicken had nothing to do, and it was still alive and kicking. The mouth was still whispering: "The eyes of charm? Oh, but that!"

At the beginning of the cloud, a few purple pins were shot at the fire: "You are a stupid cat, don't look at their eyes."

The fire squid was sobered up by the pain, and he couldn’t take care of the cloud and smashed it with two three-eyed purple-tailed iron claws.

Two three-eyed purple-tailed iron claw carvings used a fascinating eye to consume a lot of spiritual power, and soon fell into the wind.

After an hour, Yunchu and the fire eater finally killed two three-eyed purple-tailed iron claws.

However, one person and one beast are also tired and screaming and squatting on the ground.

At the beginning of the cloud, the eyes of the scorpion are not a good thing. She has to withdraw quickly. Otherwise, the **** fire will be relieved, and she may have eaten her.

At the beginning of the cloud, he barely stood up and took the stone from the hole into the storage ring. He turned his eyes and turned back.

The fire 貅 originally thought that the cloud was going to run away. It was too tired, so I was too lazy to chase. Now I saw the beginning of the cloud and came back. I couldn’t help but stare at the cloud, what should this little weak chicken do? Is it hard that she still wants to kill Laozi? Really looking for death!

At the beginning of the cloud, I rushed to the fire, and the fire of food slammed my face. What did this little chicken laugh at?

When the fire was inexplicable, I saw a corpse of three-eyed purple-tailed iron claws in the storage ring, and then smashed out.

The fire squid still did not respond, and I heard a crisp voice coming from outside:

"Kitten, anyway, these two three-eyed purple-tailed iron claw carvings are the tricks of the two, and I take it away. I am leaving. Let's not see it again!"

The sizzling teeth of the fire smashed the teeth and suddenly smashed out the cave. I saw that the cloud had already flown into the air, and it was squinting at it.

The roar of the fire, the **** little weak chicken! Unless you can't meet again in the future, I will kill you!

At the beginning of the cloud, the mood is quite good. Not only does it survive, but it also takes a lot of money and cool!

At this time, the goods discovered that the sounds in the storage ring were shaking. She couldn’t help but shoot the thighs. The voices in the mountainside should not be easy to use. I was too nervous and didn’t pay attention.

It’s been a day and night since she fell into the mountainside. It’s already the morning of the next day.

Jin Zhi found that she did not return to Tianyuan, and she must be in a hurry. Then I will definitely send a sound to the dark wind. If the dark wind knows, the little white face will know.

Sure enough, several of the sounds in the storage ring are trembled, and the emperor’s sly, dark wind, bloodless and golden branches.

At the beginning of the cloud, I quickly replied one by one, saying that I was out of danger. I went back to Ye Family and then went back to the college. As for the Tiantian Academy, there is Ye Family anyway, naturally I don't have to worry.

The beginning of the cloud can not help but the abdominal shackles. The management of the Criminal College and the Rock College is not strict. The leave is much easier than the Tianyuan College, and the first-class family can get the privilege with a little pressure.

It is no wonder that after so many years, the two colleges have mixed up with the equivalent of the first-class sects. There is no way to compare them with the super-sects like the mixed Yuanzong.

Yunchu 玖 玖 飞行 飞行 飞行 飞行 飞行 飞行 飞行 飞行 飞行 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 飞行 飞行 飞行 飞行 飞行 飞行 飞行 飞行 飞行 飞行 飞行 飞行 飞行 飞行 飞行 飞行 飞行 飞行 飞行 飞行 飞行 飞行 飞行 飞行 飞行

(End of this chapter)

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