Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 2326: I have important things to say to you.

Chapter 2326, I have important things to say to you.

After all, Yunchu is just an unmarried girl. The funeral rules of the Xianyuan continent are not complicated by the rules of the world. Therefore, the people who accompany the spirit only need to stand and give back to the condolences, but it is too tired to stand in the morning. .

Such a chore, Liu and Ye Bingyu naturally do not want to do, have long accompanied the ladies to the West living room.

Unconsciously, Ge’s and Ye Bingyu, who were not seen by Ge’s, were left in the shed, and Yu’s heartache Ye Bingyu, so he lowered his voice and said:

"According to the rules, only the noon is allowed before noon, and after a while, you will go back to the yard for a while, and the mother will be here."

"Mother, you are in poor health, or I am staying here to guard, you go back to rest." Ye Bingyu said the activities of the hands and feet.

The two mothers and daughters let in and let go, and finally he convinced Ye Bingyu. Ye Bingyu had to listen to the arrangement of Yu's and prepared to go back to the yard for a while, then come over and replace it.

The cloud that was hiding in the corner couldn’t help but see the light, the opportunity came!

At the beginning of the cloud, he walked behind Ye Bingyu and went to the backyard. The woman who guarded the door of the house saw the first time of the cloud, followed by Ye Bingyu, so she did not stop. It is estimated that this lady’s maid is going to pick up something with Miss Bing Yu.

Ye Bingyu did not find out at first, but after a while he found it wrong.

"Stand up, who is your guest's maid? How do you privately post the house?" Ye Bingyu shouted.

At the beginning of the cloud, he smiled at Ye Bingyu and lowered his voice and said: "Sister Xue Yu, I am, I want to go into the Xiaojiu of the mixed Yuanzong with you."

Ye Bingyu first glimpsed, then she screamed subconsciously, and the cloud was prepared by the early preparations: "I have not been burned to death, I have something to say to you, important things."

At the beginning of the cloud, Ye Bingyu calmed down, and then he let go of his hand. Then he said, "Continue to go forward, and nothing has happened."

Ye Bingyu felt that his brain was not enough. Xiaojiu was not burned to death by fire. how can that be? That is the heart of the fire! Fu Guan said that only the power of the mixed Yuan Zong can save his life. How can Xiao Ji be safe?

And how did her appearance become what it is now? How did she do it?

Ye Bingyu's back to his yard, the other maids in the yard went to help, leaving only a glass.

Liu saw that her own lady brought a strange girl back, although she was curious but did not dare to ask.

"Watch the door outside, don't let others come in." Ye Bingyu said to the glass.

Liu Shushun went to the outside of the yard to guard, Ye Bingyu only lowered his voice and exclaimed: "You really are the beginning of the cloud? You didn't lie to me? Are you dead?"

"Hey! You are dead! I have to live for so many years." Yun Yun squatted on the chair with his legs crossed, and poured a cup of tea himself.

Originally, Ye Bingyu still had some doubts about the identity of the cloud, and now I listened to this tone, and then looked at the shamelessness, and immediately confirmed that this is the cheeky cloud.

Ye Bingyu’s nose was a bit sour, and he said with no anger: "Since you are not dead, why do you want to make this look look like a ghost?!"

"Hey! It’s hard to say a word! I found out that I was dead after I entered the city. I can’t live with me anymore. In that case, where is Ye’s face?” Yun sighed and said.

(End of this chapter)

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