Chapter 2338 explains

After three rounds of wine and three flavors, everyone got up and said goodbye.

Ye Laoye looked at the cloud and glanced at it. This cargo was followed by Ye Laoye to his study.

Ye Laotai’s book: "Xiaojiu, you are so bold!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw a little white tooth: "Thank you for my grandfather's praise. In fact, I am very courageous. You don't know. When I fell down, I thought I was dead! Oh, I thought, I I still haven’t been filial to you, but I’m going to die. It’s really dead!”

"Let's play tricks, you and I talk about what is going on." When Mrs. Ye heard the first half of the sentence, he blinked his eyes, but when he heard the back, the air in his heart was gone.

At the beginning of the cloud, Barabala immediately said the set of rhetoric. In order to prove that she was telling the truth, she went to the yard and took out the three-eyed purple-tailed iron claw carving.

"Zeng grandfather, you see, I didn't lie to you?! I heard that the skin of this stuff is a good material for boots. When I honor you, I will honor you." Fortunately, these three-eyed purple-tailed iron claws are large enough, otherwise they are all Not enough for this gift.

Ye Laoye carefully looked at it. These three-eyed iron-tailed claw claws did have a lot of wounds, and most of them were traces of burning, but they coincided with the cooking fire that Yun Yun said.

Although Ye Laotai is still somewhat suspicious in his heart, he has already believed in eight points. My heart sighed, this little girl is really blessed, and fell into the volcano not only did not die, but also made a big bargain.

"Then why are you hiding in the coffin to pretend to be a ghost? The words that the ice feather **** said are all taught by you? Don't you know that Ge's and the ice shadows are ugly, are there no light on our leaves?" The old lady frowned and asked.

"My great-grandfather, I am also a last resort! You all said that I was violent and died. If I am rushing in, why not make your face look bad?

As for the words that Mr. Ice Feather said, I did let her say it, but it wasn’t that I let Ge’s grandmother and Ice Shadow sister smashed me, and complained that they could only complain that they couldn’t hold their breath.

Grandfather, you should not only blame me, but also thank you for me! The sister of Ice Shadow is very proud, and she should be attacked by a little bit, or I am afraid there is no big development. "At the beginning of the cloud, she smiled and said, she has a bottom in her heart. She is now a leafy signboard of Ye Family. It is impossible for Ye Laotai to seriously punish her."

"Hey! Good words! Your point of caution, don't think I don't know. Ge's and Ice Shadow are really stupid, but if you don't set it, they won't be disgusted. Look at your frightened share. This time, even if there is another time, can't you spare it, can you hear it?"

"Yes! Once grandfather, you can rest assured that there is no next time!" Yun Yun said with a heart, hey, if Ge's provoke her again, it is not as simple as letting them lose their eyes.

Ye Laoye asked some details again, and this left the cloud to leave.

The next morning, at the beginning of the cloud, they once again sat on the flight to return to the college. They should have been escorted by the Fu Guan. However, the Fu Butler suddenly vomited and vomited, and Ye Yuanliang had to let Liu’s butler to **** them.

The flying spirits once again drove to the place where the clouds fell, and the clouds first looked out through the lookout window, and thought to himself, it is estimated that the fire eater is still cursing her.

When the cloud was in a state of chaos, I felt the flying spirits tremble violently.

(End of this chapter)

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