Chapter 2343 walking back door

After all, I have delayed the three-day course. If I don’t walk the back door, I don’t necessarily punish her!

After the **** was passed, Yunchu broke into the study of the president of Gongsun.

The director of Gongsun was well-informed. He had already known the things of the first few days of the cloud. He couldn’t help but be surprised. I didn’t expect it to be a few days, Mofangcao, oh no, the cloud was actually from a The far-reaching of the third-class family has become a niece of the first-class family, and it has been passed down into the darling of heaven. It is really surprising.

After the first ceremony of the cloud, he took the personal letter from Ye Laotai and handed it to the grandson.

Originally, Ye Laoye wanted Ye Yuanliang to write this letter, but the beginning of the cloud was very good. It was hard to ask Ye Laoye to write a letter. He was joking. Ye Laotai’s face is much more than Ye Yuanliang.

Sure enough, the grandson’s dean saw the private seal of the old man in the envelope, and his face became solemn.

After reading the letter, the grandson’s dean sighed for a moment: “Ink, the beginning of the cloud, although there is a cause, but you also delayed the three-day course, according to the college code...”

The words of the grandson’s dean have not finished yet. Yun’s first hand put out a jade box and placed it on the table: “The dean is an adult, and here is the inner eye of the three-eyed purple-tailed iron claws that I accidentally got. I have limited knowledge and stay. It’s really a violent thing in me, or it’s for you!”

Although the director of Gongsun is not a person with shallow eyelids, the inner Dan of the forty-five-order three-eye purple-tailed iron claw carving has a priceless market, and he can't buy it with money. He is somewhat heart-warming.

The beginning of the cloud is more refined. When the eyes of the director of the Gongsun are changed, I know that there is a door to this matter. Then I said, "In fact, I am sending you this inside, hey, I am also asking for your help. I know that you are good at alchemy. If you use it to make medicinal herbs in the future, I will be grateful if I send you a few.

"Okay! After the old man refining the medicine, he will send you a bottle. Although you have delayed the three-day course, but suddenly it is not controlled by manpower. This time, it is not an example." Said.

"Yes! I will strictly abide by the discipline of the college in the future, the dean of the dean, then I will retire." The beginning of the cloud, my heart is awkward, and sure enough money can make the ghosts.

The grandson’s dean waved his hand, and Yun’s first retired from the courtyard of the grandson’s dean, then slid to Dada’s dormitory.

The goods picked up the fruit on the roadside fruit trees and walked along.

At this time, it was the lunch break. People came and went on the road, but everyone saw that the first time they picked the fruit, they didn’t see it, and they joked. If you report it, you can find yourself uncomfortable.

When the beginning of the cloud was moving forward, Jin Zhi and Blood Wuji ran over: "Xiaojiu! You can come back!"

The three men talked and laughed while walking to the dormitory, and the road was stopped at this time.

At the beginning of the cloud, it was the Zhu Jingtie and his followers who stopped the road: "Mo Fangcao! Don't think that you have a great score, I can all inquire, your family is just a far away from the Mohist family. support.

Do you know what my origins are? I am a Zhu family, our Zhu family is a second-class family. If you are not satisfied with me today, I will let you die and can't eat! ”

The reason why Zhu Jingtie came to this is the idea that Xi Luoxia gave him. Since there is no way to clean up the cloud with the hospital rules, she will threaten her with her family, and she will be soft.

(End of this chapter)

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