Chapter 2354 Bloodsucking

"Maybe they will be afraid of pain, I will try!"

Jin Zhi said that he took out a needle and smashed it against the arm of Mo Fangbing. Jin Zhi would not admit that she was deliberate.

She simply hates the death of this Mofang ice!

If there was no Xiaojiu at the beginning, could she be admitted to the Tiantian Academy?

Xiao Jiu is also preparing to let Mo Fangbing move into her yard. As a result, people are better, and they have taken the initiative to draw a line with them.

What is even more abhorrent is that when Zhu Jingtie and Xiao Jiuqi disputed, she actually fell into the stone, it was a white-eyed wolf!

It is estimated that she learned that Xiao Jiu has been to Ye Family as a prostitute, and her intestines are remorseful, and deserve it!

The golden twigs were tied several times, but Mo Fangbing was still stupid, and even the pain could not be felt.

At the beginning of the cloud, when the three people frowned, the voice of walking in the martyrdom came out.

The three of them were shocked and finished! It must be that Gorefiend is back!

How is this good?

At the beginning of the cloud, the eyes turned to the eyeballs. The three men went to the innermost part of the stone room, and then pushed several others to the front to cover the water stains on the ground. The three men lowered their heads and pretended to be as dull as those people.

The Gorefiend went to the stone hall and threw Zhu Jingtie to the ground: "Strange, obviously I feel someone touched the formation, how can there be no one?"

Zhu Jingtie climbed a few steps: "The Gorefiends, maybe they are three of them at the beginning of the cloud, they must be nearby, and you will catch them soon."

"Well, what you said makes sense! However, I am hungry. I will **** some blood first, then go out and look for them."

The Gorefiend waved a hand and saw a student fly to him. He grabbed it and then bit the neck of the student.

After a while, the student was thrown back into the stone room, and then another student was caught by him to **** the blood...

After a full change of ten students, Gorefiend used the tongue to lick the blood left in the mouth: "Hey, if you want to drink more for a while, I really want to **** them directly into the adult!"

Zhu Jingtie has become a group, and the blood monster has smashed him: "The useless thing! You want to be the head of the blood slave, you must also drink blood! You, get a person out, you drink him a few Oral blood, or I will kill you!"

Zhu Jingtie stood up and walked to the door of a stone room, but he found that the students in the Japanese class were held here, and he did not go to work, so he turned and walked toward the stone room of the Star Class.

In the beginning of the cloud, I just like a dog!

This **** Zhu Jingtie! There are a total of ten stone rooms here. Which one do you choose to choose Mao Shi?

Zhu Jingtie went to the door of the stone room where they were at the beginning of the cloud, grabbed a student, and tried it a few times or couldn’t get a mouth.

Gorefiend is impatient!

"Useless things! If you don't do it again, I will **** you up first!"

Zhu Jingtie bit his teeth and took out a dagger: "I am also forced, I only drink a few mouthfuls of blood, you can't help your life! Don't blame me!"

Zhu Jingtie said, holding the dagger in his hand is going to cut the student's neck, but he suddenly stopped, and he shouted excitedly: "The Gorefiend! Gorefiend! It's not right here! This is on the ground. Water! It must be the beginning of the cloud."

At the beginning of the cloud, the teeth are gnashing, and if the Gorefight discovers them, other things will not be done first. Let’s kill this Zhu Jingtie!

The ninth. Continue in the early morning, what?

(End of this chapter)

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