Chapter 2376 Miners

The little boss ate a soft nail and suddenly became angry: "It’s really toasting and not eating fine wine! Good! Since you like mining, go mining now!"

The dining hall’s eyes flashed and he said, “Huang’s head, why is it so hot in the early morning?! These three are new, naturally they are not very sensible. Give me a few days, I will help. The enlightenment may have been figured out."

The dining hall has its own small abacus, and he wants to take some Lingshi from the beginning of the cloud, so he will stop it.

The little boss seems to have some taboos, and he snorted from the nose: "Forget it, this time I will give you a face! You should be careful with me. If you dare to do little tricks, I will kill you!"

After the little boss finished, he left with a cold face.

At the beginning of the cloud, the three people naturally thanked the dining hall for their kindness. The dining hall said that it was like laughing and laughing. "I can keep you this time. It may not be able to keep you next time. You will be more self-satisfied!"

At the beginning of the cloud, the eyelashes are empty. Naturally, I understand that the dining hall is ruining, biting my lip, and finding an excuse to call the cafeteria aside.

"Adults, it is true that the three of us are in a poor family. There are not many spiritual stones on our body. Yesterday, we also honoured each of them with 50,000 top grades. So, you don’t have too much of this top quality stone. Please also take care of you."

When I heard the first thing in the dining hall, my eyes flashed: "As long as you don't make trouble, I will take care of you and go back!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw the dining hall to find two people with garlic and nose. I was so happy that I let them bite the dog!

In the evening, the three returned to the dormitory, and the bloodlessly took out the voice and said: "Xiaojiu, this will not work. I see that the little boss is not dead to you and Jinzhi, maybe you will do something, we must speed up. The speed is decided."

"Let's do it, tomorrow we will find a way to mix the errands of the meal, to see inside, and then do the plan." Yunchu 玖 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐 隐

At noon the next day, the cloud began to talk about the errands of the meal, and the first few people in the cloud rushed to the mining area with several people in the dining hall.

At the beginning of the cloud, I finally understood why they were so scared to be miners. I saw that the miners were sweating one by one, and there were guards with whip behind them. It would be a slap in the face to see who wouldn’t be pleasing to the eye.

At the beginning of the cloud, most of the miners’ spiritual powers were above her. I don’t know what these people are for miners.

It is definitely not hiring, because if you hire, you can't let people lash and don't dare to resist.

Maybe there are mistakes in them, just like the garlic nose and nose, how are the rest of the people coming?

The mining management was seen in the dining hall to deliver the meal, which allowed the miners to take a short break for a quarter of an hour.

At the beginning of the cloud, my heart is dark, I really don’t see these miners as people!

What is enough for a quarter of an hour? !

Fortunately, the staple food in the dining hall is the hoe. You only need to help the miners to hold the vegetables.

The miners gorged themselves, for fear that there would be no meals because of the timeout.

Yunchuyi noticed that two of these miners were very special. One was a middle-aged man, the upper body was not wearing clothes, and the back was full of whip marks, apparently disobedient.

After he took the **** and the stew, he did not eat it himself, but he was respectfully handed over to an old man. Then I came over and got a copy.

(End of this chapter)

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