Chapter 2393 Awkward Dong Tutor

Li Huan sees the beginning of Yun’s recollection and tells more about it. “Miss Yun, I also heard that Cao’s is a Lingshi mine that was fried with high-order symbols. My embarrassment is estimated to be 12th grade. The burst character has such an effect, but at least a hundred sheets are required.

Therefore, this thing must be Cao Jiagan, where are there so many smashing breaks in other small families? ! I see, this Fan and Cao are counted as dead vengeance! Of course, there are contradictions between the two, but now it is only more intense. ”

At the beginning of the cloud, a few words were attached to the side, and the heart said, nonsense! Miss Ben clearly does not have a 12-level burst, but it does! Because this lady used thousands of super-breaking breaks, have opinions? You are coming to bite me!

This goods has been self-satisfied for a while, and this is pretending to say: "According to you, this is what Cao did. Hey, this super family thing, let’s take a look at the fun, no matter what. What are you talking about?"

Jin Zhi and blood Wuji are on the side, nodded, um, it is not your business, because you want them to fight.

Where did Li Huan know that there was a bend in the face, and a few words of the nod to him, Zhu Jingtie died, he had no backing, and he thought about it. He thought it was more reliable.

Although she has low spiritual strength, but the family is Miss Ye of Ye Family! Although she does not adjust, but people are the darling of heaven!

Therefore, he decided to hold the thigh of the cloud and not let go.

All the way to talk and laugh, and soon arrived in the classroom of the Star Class.

At the beginning of the cloud, I swept down and found that there were dozens fewer people.

Li Huan said quickly: "Miss Yun, you may not know. After the last time from the Axe Tiankeng, the people such as Yan Shanshan and Xi Luoxia turned black and white, and then they were directly expelled after being scrutinized by the college."

At the beginning of the cloud, she nodded. She was not surprised. The reason why the grandson’s dean did this was to make the school rules serious. Secondly, I was afraid to give the Ye family a confession.

After Mo Fangbing saw the beginning of the cloud, his heart was very complicated. On the one hand, Yun Chuan saved her in Tiankeng, and she was naturally happy to see that Yun Yun was alive and returning. But on the other hand, if the elders know that the cloud is still alive, they must not blame her, so she is somewhat unhappy about the return of the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, she was too lazy to care about her thoughts, sitting lazily in the seat, waiting for the arrival of the Dong tutor.

Not long after, Dong Tutor came in from the door.

The instructor glanced at the crowd and then glanced at the three people in the beginning of the cloud and began to lecture.

At the end of the class, Dong Tutor coughed and said: "Although some students have low spiritual ability, it is worthy of praise to be able to help students at critical moments. I hope some students will improve their spiritual ability as soon as possible. OK, after all, this Xianyuan mainland is the strongest."

After the director’s tutor finished, he hurried away. When he stepped down from the stage, he almost gave himself a shit, quite a bit of a runaway.

At the beginning of the cloud, I couldn’t help but laugh. The Dong’s mentor’s words were naturally told to the three of them. I have to say that this director’s tutor is still a few twists, um, cute.

Dong’s mentor’s words reminded Yun’s early days. Since he plans to go to the mixed yuan to participate in the entry test one year later, the current spiritual power is definitely not enough. It seems that a detailed study plan is needed.

(End of this chapter)

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