Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 2395: People are more popular than people

Chapter 2395 is more popular than the dead

There is a strange silence in the classroom of the first-grade Star Class!

The bosses who have long mouths, they feel that they have been criticized!

Their three views have been seriously impacted, not to say that cultivation should be gradual? Doesn't it mean that every level of breakthrough needs to accumulate over time, and persist in hard work to cultivate?

So how do you explain the three metamorphosis? One has risen to the third level, one has risen to the fourth level, and one special one has risen to the sixth level, which is simply not letting people live!

They are upgraded like pregnant women in October. These three metamorphosiss are good, just like the old hens lay eggs, oh, one, oh, one more, is it too easy? !

The spiritual level of these three metamorphosis is the end of the star class. Now it is good. The bloodlessness has become the most spiritual, and even the golden branch has reached the middle level. This is just the time of a class. .

Not to mention those students, even Teacher Du was shocked and stunned. This is too ridiculous.

Soon, the breakthrough of the three people in the beginning of the cloud spread to the Tiantian Academy.

Someone guessed: "The three of them may have had a chance in the Axe Tiankeng, or they will not break through so many levels when they return."

"Hey? What you said makes sense! If they have good qualifications, why didn't they break through before? It seems that they really got a chance in the Axe Tiankeng. This is really a blessing in disguise."

"This is a good report for good people. It is estimated that it is a blessing from heaven. The three of them have saved hundreds of people!"


The three people who were discussed by the public went to the law enforcement office.

Yunchu said to a mentor of a law enforcement office, "This instructor, I have a job with Pang Tutor. Can you help me pass it?"

The instructor smiled and agreed, and went to a room inside to ask a few words, and then said to the three people at the beginning of the cloud: "Pang tutor let you in."

After the first three people entered the room inside, they saw that Pang’s instructor was sitting behind the case and was handling official duties.

"What are you looking for?" Pang Tudor asked, raising his head.

At the beginning of the cloud, I am happy: "Pang Tutor, do you still remember the admission test to you to promise me? I will remind you, the big night pearl?"

Pang's tutor was a glimpse first, then he laughed: "You are a little girl, it's a fortune! This time the entrance test is flawed, but the students who are ranked in front still have rewards. How? You have collected a lot of punishment gods. Axe shell fragments?"

At the beginning of the cloud, Tsao Jiao’s neck was raised: "That is, I collected the pieces of stone eggs hidden by the Gorefiend, at least a few hundred pieces."

"Oh? If so, give it to me, let me register." The shell fragments collected by other people have been handed over to the law enforcement office, and the registration has already been completed.

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded and put his knowledge into the storage ring, and then the face of the goods changed.

"What's special! What about my fragments? How did my pieces disappear?" Yun Yun searched for the corners of the storage ring, and even the hair was not found. The fragments were so strange that they disappeared!

At the beginning of the cloud, I suddenly remembered the heaven and earth, which had a previous record. I asked it with my knowledge. Although the heavens and the earth could not speak, the emotions conveyed were very wronged, which meant that it did not eat any shit.

(End of this chapter)

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