Chapter 2410 Hehe

At the beginning of the cloud, I took a chair and sat on it. I said, "I know how to say it for a while? Do you need to teach me with patience?"

The six people on the ground swayed like a rattle, and they were wrong! They thought that this cloud was just a little girl under the fence, and it was a demon to think of it!

Before half an hour, Yu Huayuan.

After the first letter of the cloud received the letter of Ye Bingyu, he touched his chin and squinted his eyes. Ye Xinyi was the daughter of Ge, and Ge’s hate her now. Ye Xinyi will definitely help Ge’s anger.

What's more, that Ye Xinyi is estimated to hate Ye Hao, and she will definitely hate her, so I still want to make a perfect decision.

Ye Laoye and Ye Yuanliang are afraid of offending Fan, I am afraid that they will not talk to her. She will go back to the living room to find abuse unless she is stupid!

However, if you don't go, maybe Ye Xinyi will come over and find a shackle, plus Liu and Ye Bingying will be provocative, and it is very likely that they will take the Huayuan Court to say things.

Yan Huayuan is her mother's yard. She said that she could not let Ye Xinyi's mother and daughter live in, and it would be impossible to take it hard.

At first, the cloud touched the chin and pondered for a while, then called the two women and the four maids into the house.

"I know that you have six grandmothers and a big aunt. You are this person. Actually, it doesn't matter to these things. As long as you don't harm me, I don't bother to take care of you." Said.

The six people looked at each other, screaming at each other, and didn’t know what to say.

At this time, I heard that Yunchu said, "You have all heard that my aunt has come. Are you not even reporting to me, what is your heart?"

The voice of "Yum" at the beginning of the cloud completely got the true biography of Emperor Beibei. The six descendants suddenly became a little scared. They hurriedly explained that they did not go out and didn't know.

At the beginning of the cloud, I sneered again and again: "If my aunt wants to live in Yuhuayuan, let me move out, what do you say?"

Six people looked at each other and said what can be done? Mrs. Aunt, who is a Fan family, can you compare with others?

"I have a way to let her give up the idea of ​​living in Yuhuayuan. But you need to cooperate with you, are you willing or not?" Yunchu took out a large kitchen knife from the storage ring and said that he took out a piece of grinding. The knife stone began to sharpen the knife.

Sting! Sting!

The harsh sharpening of the knife is like a reminder, and a sound is heard in the hearts of those who are next. They are sure that if they say no words, this cloud will kill them.

"Are you all dumb? Can you still or not? Well?"

"May, be willing." Six people said slyly, they made up their minds, no matter how they first perfuse them, and then find their own masters for help.

At the beginning of the cloud, six people agreed, and hooked the corner: "Are you going to secretly find the master behind you for help? You are really stupid! When your master sent you to me, you became abandon child.

You are swindling, nothing more than letting me be punished. My own person, the most vengeful, as long as I have a sigh of relief, I will kill you, do not believe that we will walk!

You don't doubt my courage. After all, Ge grandmother, I dare to use a big kitchen knife to force her neck, you, huh, huh. ”

Although the six people do not know what he means, but they are afraid!


(End of this chapter)

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