Chapter 2422 The little angel is coming.

At the beginning of the cloud, there is no fear that someone will come and inquire about the truth. Those who are afraid of death are terrible, and unless the egg hurts, they will come and find uncomfortable.

As for the antidote of salt-free powder, this kind of goods is naturally in my heart, because this product has a weedy detoxification expert!

When I saw the pots of poison soup yesterday, the weeds in Dantian were very encouraging, so it was only after the beginning of the cloud that the medicine was made.

At the beginning of the cloud, it was not easy to suppress the screaming weird grass, and took out a hundred sketches to observe the reaction of the weeds, to guess the undissolved antidote.

The purple blood forsythia that Deng Langzhong took out is indeed the main drug for antidote, but it is useless without direct use. It must be baked before it can be used.

In addition, you need to add a few other elixir to become an antidote to salt-free. At the beginning of the cloud, the scorpion medicine was put into the wooden box, and it was handed over to Deng Langzhong, and he saw his creation.

However, there is a point of her "unintentional". I believe that as long as Deng Langzhong is not too stupid, he will definitely get the antidote. Oh, this is a gift for him.

When the cloud was thinking about it, I heard the sound of snoring. As soon as I looked up, I saw that there were more than a dozen silver ring bees on the peach blossoms.

This kind of spirit bee is not very toxic, and generally does not actively attack people, so most people will not care too much.

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought about the eyes of the young people. I also thought about going back to Ye’s mother and daughter for revenge. I didn’t expect the angel’s little helper to arrive. It’s wonderful!

At the beginning of the cloud, he suddenly jumped from the hammock and reached out to catch a silver ring bee.

The silver ring bee was trying to pierce the right hand of the cloud, but was frightened by the pressure of the small flame, and the head of the brain did not dare to struggle.

At the beginning of the cloud, I didn’t expect the small flames to become more powerful. It seems that the fires of the axe tiankeng are not eaten.

At the beginning of the cloud, the temporary contract was established with the silver ring bee, and the other ten were also built as temporary contracts.

At the beginning of the cloud, the mouth of the mouth reveals a sinister smile, and it is most interesting to treat the person with his own way! Does Ye’s mother and daughter not like to ruin other people’s looks? Let them also taste the disfigured taste!


After Liu’s seeing Deng Langzhong and Fu Guan’s family, he turned and came to the guest house.

"Heart, things are almost the same as you guessed. That Deng Langzhong really guessed that the little cockroach was poisonous in the poisonous grass. However, just now the Fu housekeeper called Deng Langzhong, saying that the old man wants to see him. What is wrong with it?"

Ye Xinyu did not care about the cold cry: "Don't say that the quack doctor could not know my kind of powder, even if he really knows that the appearance of the little cockroach has been ruined, how can my grandfather really make me?" !

Daxie, the grandfather’s most important thing is not the younger generation, but the Ye family! Or else, Ye Hao, the monk, was so favored, and finally he was not delisted? ”

Liu nodded. "I still have a thorough understanding of your heart. The little cockroach has been ruined. After that, I can't completely overcome the storm. Ye Hao did not do the right thing with his sister. The result is not only her early. Sending a small life, now her daughter has also been ruined, it is retribution."

"Hey! All this is Ye Hao that the monk is looking for! Her a prostitute still wants to press me everywhere, really looking for a dead end! Dad, I will find a chance to let the little donkey grow down and Ye Hao that monk Reunion!" Ye Xinyu said coldly.

The ninth. I just took the express delivery downstairs and delayed for a while, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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