Chapter 2431 Sweet dates are sweet

At the beginning of the cloud, I could sleep, and many of Ye’s people could not sleep.

The most anxious thing in my heart is the old man Ye Ye. After he went back, he repeatedly pondered this thing today and felt that it was incredible.

Is it really the problem with the paper that wrapped the salt-free powder?

He had to make the worst plan. If Fan Suxue’s face was completely cured, what would Fan Jia do?

Since the root of the matter is Ye Xinyi, Fan Jia does not really know how to Ye Family, but Ye Xinyi’s loss of favor is inevitable. Fortunately, Fan Mingchuan is highly valued by Fan’s family, otherwise it is really full.

Originally, I also planned to let Ye Bingying test the mixed Yuanzong, and now it seems to be ruined.

The future of Xiao Ji, who was originally the darling of Tian Dao, is also bleak. Is it true that Ye Jia is so finished?

Although the remaining Ye Wenhong is a qualified heir, but his qualifications and wrists are not good enough, and he can achieve good results.

Ye Bingyu’s qualifications are also average and simply cannot be expected.


Ye Laotai was lying on the bed and thinking about what happened recently. He suddenly sat up and he felt that something was wrong.

What is wrong with it?

Little nine!

According to the temper of the little girl, how can it be stopped if it is really ruined by the heart? It is a fearless thing. If it is really disfigured, she will surely drag her into the water. Where will it be quietly squatting in the Huayuan Court? !

The more the old Ye Ye thought, the more suspicious he was. He then recalled Deng Langzhong’s rhetoric and attitude and felt more problematic.

Ye Laoye finally managed to endure the dawn, and immediately took the Fu Guanjia to the Yuhuayuan.

At this time, the cloud is still asleep at the beginning of the cloud, this product is in a dream, coughing, a good bully of the emperor, and it is a must to enjoy.

Therefore, the goods were awakened by the knocking of the door, and the heart was screaming at the fire of the stomach, and the angry anger shouted: "What knocks?? What are you doing early in the morning?!"

The housekeeper outside the courtyard door shrinks his neck, and the watch lady is so big to get up! However, it is estimated that it has been disfigured, so it is so big.

Ye Laoye took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Small nine-headed girl is me!"

The beginning of the cloud, the old fox? Is it a doubt? However, too, so many days have passed, and with the things of last night, if he does not find it again, he will not be the owner of Ye Family.

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought of it here, and said: "It turned out to be my grandfather, you wait a little while, I haven’t gotten up yet!"

Outside the door, Fu Guan’s eyes twitched, and this attitude changed quickly! However, it is so arrogant that I can’t get up and say that it’s so wonderful!

After the cloud broke out of the house, the six descendants were already waiting at the door.

At the beginning of the cloud, they glanced at them and lowered their voices and said, "Relax, everything has me, nothing."

The six people were almost moved and cried. The sweet date given after the slap was exceptionally sweet. Is it sweet enough to have it in my heart? !

Oh, it’s so moving. The little devil has a kind side. She will comfort them. She said that she has everything. Is it too warm? !

After the cloud first unloaded the bolt, it suddenly stepped back a dozen steps, and then said faintly: "Zeng grandfather, there is something you still stand there to say, Xiaojiu is really afraid of transmission to you.

Oh, no way, this world is such a reality. Since I got sick, I am so happy, I don’t dare to blow in the cold wind. I am afraid of infection! ”

The ninth. Continue in the early hours.

(End of this chapter)

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