Chapter 2461 continues to skip class

"I don't know that person! In my opinion, those people are the same, only you are different." Tiandao Cliff muttered.

"Is it a student or a tutor? Can you always get it?" The cloud twitched at the beginning of the cloud, and it was a blindness in this day.

"Teacher, he wears the tutor's clothes."

tutor? At the beginning of the cloud, there are hundreds of mentors. Can’t you take their portraits and let Tiandao Cliff identify them? Besides, Tiandao Cliff has facial blindness and may not be recognized by portraits.

Besides, although the person wants to go down to the bottom, it is not necessarily the one who destroys the transmission.

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought of it, let Tiandao Cliff pay more attention to it, and remember to remember several characteristics of the person next time. Then, sneaking Dada left Tiandao Cliff.

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought about the destruction of the last transmission. Ye Laotai said that this incident has nothing to do with Ge and Liu. So who is instructing? What is the destruction of the transmission array?

Ye Xinyi?

At the beginning of the cloud, I feel that it is unlikely. Ye Xinwei’s kind of person is vicious, but there is no city, and there is no such way.

What's more, at that time, Ye Xinyi had not been provoked by Liu and should not want to kill her.

At the beginning of the cloud, I remembered the assassination that I encountered in Fuhucheng. The man wore the costumes of Yejia, but it seems that it is not the people of Ge and Liu. Is there anyone in Yejia who wants her life?

Perhaps the branch of Ye Family? However, the branch of Ye Family does not have any conflicts of interest with her, and she is not guilty of killing her with such a big blood!

The more you think about the cloud, the more you don’t want to know, and you don’t want to.

After returning to the dormitory, the goods were like chicken blood, and they took out the paper and began to draw the crack.

Although she has already put the pattern of the crack in the heart, but the first two failed, when the painting was more than half, because the output of the spiritual power was unstable, the paper was turned into ashes.

At the beginning of the cloud, I stabilized my mind and started painting for the third time. This time I succeeded!

At the beginning of the cloud, he shook his head in dissatisfaction: "It’s just the next product, and it’s still a few times to practice."

Fortunately, there are no outsiders present, or else if you hear the words of Yunchu, you are expected to vomit blood! Only after three paintings have succeeded, are you still not satisfied? It's a metamorphosis!

At the beginning of the cloud, I drew a few more pictures, and finally succeeded in drawing a super-breaking crack.

The goods first lingered for a while, then opened the crazy character state, until the blank symbols in the storage ring were painted, this is not enough to stop.

Hey, this drawing is also addictive. It seems that I have to buy more papers during the break.

At the beginning of the cloud, I simply took a look at it and took out the curriculum of each grade. I saw the alchemy class in the second grade the next day. The goods decided to continue the class.

First, she promised that the seven-year-old elders of the Mohist elders had not yet settled; secondly, the mouth of the weeds was getting more and more sloppy, and the existing medicinal herbs at the beginning of the cloud were already tired of eating, and they were hungry all day long.

So, the next day, I slept in the afternoon, and the goods went to the classroom of the second-grade class again.

Since most students only choose one monk five skills, the students in the classroom are all raw faces, and they are naturally curious when they see the clouds.

What is this little devil doing? I heard that yesterday I had a moth on the Fuxi class. Is this also going to the alchemy class?

Why did she stare at the second grade, she will not go to other grades toss?

(End of this chapter)

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