Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 2466: Unlucky sizzling fire (seeking a monthly ticket)

Chapter 2466 Bad luck reminder of cooking fire (seeking a monthly pass)

At the beginning of the cloud, he squeezed out a dry smile and waved his paw at the fire. "Well, let's meet again. It's really a chance to meet!"

What is the enemy's eye-catching eyes?

This is the case now!

This skunk-headed play played it twice, and also stole its corpse with a three-eyed purple-tailed iron claw. She even dared to come back? This is looking for death!

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw the fire, my eyes were red, and the hairs were all blown up. I quickly yelled: "Adult! Don't be impulsive, listen to me! I am here to apologize!"

You think, I am not a fool, knowing that you want to eat me, why am I still coming to die? Ugh! The last time I was greedy and cheap, I took away the body of the three-eyed purple-tailed iron claw.

After I went back, I was eaten badly by guilt and remorse, and I couldn’t sleep, so I came to you to repent. I came with a sincerity, and your noble beast will forgive me, right? ”

The fire-fighting suspicion looked at the cloud and looked at it. Although it was not completely believed, it did not have the next move.

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw a door and quickly said: "Adult, I don’t have two or two meats on my body. It’s not enough for your teeth. I can’t give you the body of the three-eyed purple-tailed iron claw. But I have a lot of remedies here, I will give you as compensation."

At the beginning of the cloud, he took out a pot of hemostatic medicine and put it on the ground.

The huge eyes in the fire were full of arrogance. When did humans use pottery bottles instead of porcelain bottles?

what? It turned out to be a super drug! Is human alchemy so developed now?

The fire scorpion measured the body of the three-eyed purple-tailed iron claw and the pot of hemostasis. It seems that this pot of hemostasis is more useful for it.

As a result, the attitude of the fire-fighting has completely eased.

The stone in the heart of the cloud finally landed. It was inaccessible here. The golden light just had no one to see. When the limelight passed, she returned to Tianluo City, and then she disappeared into the Tiantian Academy without knowing it.

Those people can't find anything at the bottom of the valley, they only associate with Tiandao Cliff, and the storm is over.

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought of this, I changed my clothes and made one-fifth of Yi Rongdan’s clothes, so that even if someone really came over, it would not reveal her identity.

The fire of the fire squinted at the face of the little girl in front of the face began to change, my heart is very curious, this human medicinal medicine is really magical, do not know what it will become if it eats.

The fire eater was driven by curiosity, and when he came over, he ate the remaining Yi Rongdan in the hands of Yunchu.

At the beginning of the cloud, the face is so arrogant, is this food fire sick? Is the medicinal medicine eaten casually? Besides, she didn't have a few Yi Rongdan left, but now it was wasted a lot of it, it was unlucky!

Clouds are unlucky at first glance, huh, huh, the sizzling fire is even more unlucky!

Then the beginning of the cloud witnessed the occurrence of miracles! Or, she is a ghost!

I saw that the huge body of the fire began to shrink rapidly and the shape changed dramatically.

In less than a quarter of an hour, a small-scale cooking fire turned into a fire-breathing cat that was only one foot in size, um, still a cat scorpion.

The fire scorpion looked at his claws and looked up and turned into a cloud of the "giant". The slamming sound fainted.

The ninth. On the last day of the month, vote for it!

(End of this chapter)

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