Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 2471: You can't be ungrateful

Chapter 2471, you can't forget the grace

That night, the three did not return to Tianyuan, and they stayed in the house for one night.

The next day, after breakfast, the first three people went out of the house and went to the grocery store.

When I arrived at the grocery store, Yun Yun said to the store buddy: "I have to pay for the papers here! In addition, give me two hundred symbols."

Shop buddy: "..."

"This lady, you, are you not kidding?" The shopkeeper said that this is not going to wake up yet? Do they have the signature paper in their store? Also need two hundred symbols? Is this going to take the paper as a firewood? Or use the 篆 pen as a chopstick?

At the beginning of the cloud, I blinked: "You guys are so interesting, I certainly don't laugh, how much money is going to give you how much! Hurry!"

Although the buddy still felt that this was a ridiculous thing, he still let the accountant count it again, and then said: "This lady, thanks to the patrons, a total of 5.6 million top grade stones."

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded and quickly transferred Lingshi to Mr. Account.

The shop buddy didn't believe until this time. It turned out that this was really a big customer. The smile on his face was a lot sincere, and he transferred the paper and the 篆 pen to the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, he bought a bunch of things, and he left the grocery store.

The three men strolled for a while, ready to find a restaurant to eat, the narrow road, met Liu Jinxi brothers and sisters.

When Liu Jinxi saw the beginning of the cloud, he wanted to go to the front to seek revenge, but was stopped by Liu Pinyan. Liu Jinxi’s vicious smack of the cloud, he left.

At the beginning of the cloud, they didn’t put them in their eyes. Anyway, they hated her a lot, and they didn’t bother.

The first few people in the cloud had lunch, and this time they sneaked back to the Tiantian Academy.

Yunchu returned to his yard and took a break for a while. Then he got the ball out of the ball and asked about the virtual mirror.

"Hairball, Xiao Jingjing, what new skills are there now? Is the top-level herb in it available? Is it possible that the high-level monsters inside can be released to help me against the enemy?"

The ball of thread trembled a little: "That, Master, it’s not a problem that you can’t take it out now, mainly because there aren’t too high-level herbs and monsters in the virtual world!”

At the beginning of the cloud, she thought about it. It seems that there is really no high-order herb and monster in the virtual world. What is she trying to find the debris? Is she being played?

The ball of the yarn sees the pressure on the cloud is getting lower and lower, and quickly explains: "Master, master, don't be angry. This is the case, Xiao Jingjing said, when you find another piece of debris, it becomes Your mustard space, it will grow as you grow spiritually. By the time the heavenly herbs and the high-order monsters will be there."

"Short! I found it. The three shameless things in Dantian are pit goods! Damn little quiet, it is to use me! What kind of **** mustard space? When I find the remaining piece, it does not necessarily give What kind of moths did I make?" The beginning of the cloud is simply furious.

The wool ball trembled and said: "Lord, master, Xiao Jingjing said, it saved you once, you, you can't be ungrateful."

The beginning of the cloud was almost exhausted!

"I am ungrateful? It eats my drink, I still live with me, and who is the hard work of the seven pieces? It is me, it is me, it is me! You tell it, if It dares to lie to me again, I will turn it into a star in the future!"

The fifth is more. The remaining three chapters will be updated at noon, and a more chapter will be added. Dear, July is good~~~

(End of this chapter)

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