Chapter 2283 is full of support

At the beginning of the cloud, the first voice was disappointing, and then pretended to be unintentionally asked: "Du tutor, I saw a kind of monster called a fire scorpion on the map of the monster, is there any animal or fairy blood? ”

On the ground, playing some of the clouds in the corner of the skirt, suddenly raised his ears. Since seeing the four spiritual pets of the beginning of the cloud, it is more or less inferior.

The ugly bird is actually a black phoenix. The little mouse is a stone rat. The red fox now has four tails. In the future, it will definitely become a nine tail. Although the little mushroom does not know what kind of variety, But it doesn't look too simple.

Only it is just a monster. Although the level is higher than them now, there is no way to compare them with them in the future. What's more, it has turned into a sight now, and I really don't want to live!

Du Tutor said with a smile: "The fire squid has a close blood relationship with the fire-breathing cat, but when it first evolved, it evolved separately as a branch. Although the fire 貅 is much higher than the fire-breathing cat. However, the chances of awakening the blood of the ancestors are also minimal, and I have not heard of success."

At the beginning of the cloud, I heard the Du Tutor say this. This made me realize that it is no wonder that the food has become a cat scorpion. It turns out that it has a close relationship with the Spitfire cat.

In the heart of the fire, there was still a small flame that rose up against the attack. It was immediately ruined by the words of the Tutor, and he smashed a blue-skinned mushroom.

When Yun Yunyi asked what he wanted to ask, he said something else, and then the topic was transferred to the horse tutor.

"Du Tutor, I heard that a horse instructor has disappeared? I also heard that he was greedy with the things of the beast, is it true?" The first cloud of the cloud flashed the light of the gossip and asked Du.

Du Tutor gave her a look: "Who are you talking nonsense? Although the horse tutor is a little lonely, but the character is still possible, how can the school of the school of corruption?!

The horse instructor is responsible for the breeding of the scorpion cubs. It can be said that there is nothing wrong with it. Only recently, it is said that it is going to break through, and occasionally it will be faked. ”

"Oh, it turned out to be like this. Then how did he suddenly disappear? It’s really strange." Yun’s mouth was smothered, but his heart was a move. The horse tutor was responsible for the demon beast? Is it something wrong when she was swearing at the demon class that day?

At the beginning of the cloud, he chatted with Du Tutor for a while, then left with a cat.

When I walked to the area of ​​the demon beast, it was really puzzling that Yunchu had specially observed the cubs of the demon and there was nothing wrong with it.

At the beginning of the cloud, I really didn’t understand it. I simply didn’t want to, and I continued to live in class and class.

At the end of the half-semester, the final test began.

The semi-annual final test is especially important for the Criminal College, because the final test is conducted in unison with the Rock College.

The two colleges are secretive, so every final exam is a face-to-face battle between the two colleges.

The beginning of the cloud is not interested in the face, she is interested in the big night pearl, the last time the sacred axe shell fragments are strangely gone, or the big night pearl has already arrived, this time to say what should be mixed first name.

At the mobilization meeting before the end of the test, the director of the grandson gave an inspiring speech, and some representatives of the old people, who complained about the ugly face of the meteorite college, and the entire prison college was boiling. If you drop the Rock College, you don’t want to live.

In this regard, there is only one comment in a certain nine - full of support!

(End of this chapter)

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