Chapter 2499 is dead.

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought of it, took out a big kitchen knife, and muttered: "The big kitchen knife, the big kitchen knife, this time you can see you!"

A few students around the beginning of the cloud saw her eager expression, and heard her mop be a face of arrogance. Could it be that she wanted to use this chopper to cut the monster's wrist?

Although the last time this chopper smashed the stone egg, I always felt that it was a bit lucky. Can I cut off the monster's wrist?

Just then, the ground began to tremble and became more intense.

The beginning of the cloud signaled everyone to retreat, and then carefully observed the situation with a large kitchen knife.

There was a fierce noise from the hole, and it was estimated that the monsters were talking.

After a while, there was a brachial temptation that came in and there was a gleam in the beginning of the cloud, and the opportunity came!

At the beginning of the cloud, he raised a large kitchen knife, and it was a knife for the wrist.


After the wrists were cut, the black juice was sprayed onto the stone walls.

When I saw the big kitchen knife at the beginning of the cloud, it really worked. My heart was happy to open the flower. When I was about to cut off this wrist and foot again, the wrist and wrist suddenly shrank back.

Moreover, the sound of the monster screaming outside the hole is obviously painful enough.

The students behind the cloud began to cheer up!

Those monsters have suffered a loss. It is estimated that one and a half will not put the wrists in again, and finally they can catch their breath.

Waiting for a while, when the clouds saw the monsters and never had the next move, let several students guard here and then walked down the road.

The ramp is not particularly long, about fifty feet. At the end of the ramp is a large stone room, even if it accommodates four hundred people.

Everyone was meditating and resting, and when they saw the beginning of the cloud, they asked about the situation.

At the beginning of the cloud, I briefly said it, although she was somewhat worried that the peculiarities of the chopper would attract others' jealousy, but it was not easy to hide at this time.

Everyone listened to the story of Yunchu, and couldn’t help but feel a little calmer. Someone said, “Miss Yun, since your big kitchen knife can cut off the monster’s wrists, it’s estimated that they will not attack us easily.”

"Yeah, maybe they will leave if they are not cheap enough. In that case, we will be safe."


The cloud did not agree with the shook his head: "Those monsters will not give up easily, they will definitely come up with ways to force them out, or to attack. They haven’t had a hard time, everyone is resting, raising their energy, ready to pick up Coming down."

Although some people think that the beginning of the cloud is overstated, they still start to meditate and restore their strength.

A few hours later, the monsters never made the next move, only occasionally heard the sound of the hole, and did not know what the monsters were discussing.

Just when everyone thought that it would be safe for a while, the sporadic stones began to scatter at the top of the cave, and everyone suddenly exclaimed: "This, what is going on here? Is it going to collapse here?"

Everyone’s heart suddenly showed an ominous premonition. Did the monsters actually plan to collapse the cave? Those monsters are huge, and it seems that it is not too difficult to collapse this stone wall.

The faces of everyone are horrified. If they don’t rush out, they will be crushed to death by stone. If they rush out, they will be eaten by the monsters who are kept at the hole.

Finished! This is dead!

(End of this chapter)

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