Chapter 2502 Killing

The bee swarmed over the hill and the monster climbed to the north of the mountain.

If the swarm is quickly evacuated, the monster will stop and not chase. However, those venomous bees will return and continue to provoke after a long distance. The monster is completely irritated and chased after it. She.

At this time, Yunchu and others have been hiding in the bushes. There are several ropes in the hands of the people. This is a new way for Yunqi to think of it.

Although the monster has a lot of wrists and feet, the action relies on the four legs. Just by holding its four legs first, it is much easier to find a way to attack its eyes and wrists.

The ground began to tremble slightly, and the sound of monsters screamed in the distance. The hearts of everyone nervously jumped and the monsters came! Can they succeed?

The bee colony gradually led the monster to the encirclement. The angry monster did not expect that there would be an ambush. It was full of thought that Yunchu and others were still trapped in the cave.

The monster was smashed by a number of ropes and it wanted to stand up, but the four legs were entangled in several ropes.

At the same time, several rope loops were placed over the monster's wrist.

The reason why this is done is because the cloud is afraid that the spiritual attack will make the remaining monsters detect. Anyway, the spiritual attack of the people is not used, and it is better to use the most primitive and rude method directly.

Although the monster is strong, but dozens of people can control a wrist and can still hold for a little while.

At the beginning of the cloud, I took this short moment and chopped the eyes of the monster with a big kitchen knife. Although I don't know where the monster's life is, it's definitely right to smash it.

The chopper and the wrist can be cut off, and the eyes of the monster are even more important.

With the screams of the monsters, the monster's eyes flow out of the black juice, and the clouds are not dirty or dirty, and even a few knives are cut on the monster's body.

The monster was still struggling fiercely, but when the cloud first unintentionally cut off a small protrusion on its head, the monster was like a deflated ball, and it became a flat piece of skin on the ground. So dead.

When the people have not slowed down, the monster that was originally on the ground turned into a dark fog and disappeared.

All the people were stunned by the sights!

Because this matter is beyond their knowledge, shouldn't the monster be a dead body after it has died? A flat piece of leather can barely accept, but how can it become black fog?

There is a strong ominous premonition in the heart of the cloud, and there are more terrible things behind these monsters.

However, in any case, everyone is very happy to kill a monster, this is a good start.

The main thing is that they found the monster's life gate, and as long as they cooperate properly, even if they come to two monsters at once, they should be able to solve it.

The cloud was first reinstated and the bee colony was dispatched again.

Sure enough, another monster was fooled and led by the bee colony to the ambush circle.

The process is exactly the same as the previous one, and because of the more tacit understanding of the people, this time it took less than a quarter of an hour to kill the monster.

After the monster dies, it is also on the ground, and then the black fog disappears.

The bee colony was not released at the beginning of the cloud. After the same trick was used twice, it could no longer be used. Because it is not good, it will be self-defeating, and you must think of other methods.

The ninth. Continue in the early hours.

(End of this chapter)

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