Chapter 2505 The Endless Monster

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought it was right. The four monsters wondered why the other four had not gone for a long time, but they didn’t care too much. They care about the trapped human beings in the cave.

Finally, with a bang, the cave collapsed.

The four monsters immediately began to clean the hole with the brachiopod, and wanted to get the people out to eat it.

However, when they spent nearly a day and finally finished cleaning up, a figure was not seen, and almost did not mad.

As a result, the four monsters began to search for Yunchu and others.

Yunchu and others waited for the rabbit to kill one. It took about three days to kill all four monsters.

Everyone saw that the monsters were killed, and they burst into joy and laughed.

At the beginning of the cloud, I felt that things were not very optimistic. At this time, there were still five days from the end of the trial. Five days is too long and anything can happen.

Moreover, those monsters are too weird, and I have never heard of anything that has turned black fog. She subconsciously remembered the goblin of the axe tiankeng.

The Gorefiend is a red mist, so are these monsters also a kind of magic?

Just, isn’t it true that the magic was annihilated hundreds of thousands of years ago? The previous one was just because of the astrology of the gods, so I didn’t die. So what happened?

At the beginning of the cloud, I talked about my fears and everyone. Although everyone felt a little uneasy in the heart, I felt that there should be no more than the eight monsters, so I didn’t care too much.

For the time being, everyone stayed in this cave. No matter the day or night, the first few clouds arranged for 10 people to be on guard to prevent accidents.

That night, it was the full moon night, the moon in the air was big and round, and the ground was clear and clear, everything seemed calm and quiet.

On such a quiet night, the people in the cave heard several screams, and then a person in charge of the alert ran in and out.

"Yes, there are monsters! One, a large number!"

The voice of the man did not fall, and a monster climbed in.

At the beginning of the cloud, they were in the cave where they were, and the hole was not very narrow, so the monster climbed in easily.

"On the rope!" At the beginning of the cloud, I saw everyone screaming and hurriedly groaned.

Although everyone was caught off guard, it was a good idea to cooperate with them in the past few days. Immediately, according to the originally arranged group, they respectively set the wrists of the monsters in order to give the Yunchu a chance to fight for the dead.

After the cloud saw the monster's wrist and foot being controlled, he jumped up and chopped the small protrusion on the top of the monster with a big kitchen knife. The monster immediately fell to the ground and then the black fog disappeared.

The people were still not breathing, and another monster climbed in.

They couldn't help but secretly rejoice, but fortunately, the hole was not particularly wide, or else they climbed in together and they died.

Everyone killed another by means, but then climbed in again...

Everyone is numb to kill, it seems that this monster is endless, everyone does not know how many have been killed.

The spiritual and physical strength of the people dissipated quickly, and every kill of a monster requires everyone to cooperate, so everyone has no chance to rest.

Especially in the early days of the cloud, every monster needs her to kill, so physical strength and spiritual power are also consumed the fastest, and she can't support her any abnormality.

(End of this chapter)

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