Chapter 2517 Small Trumpet Nine

Blood Promise and others are eagerly watching the scene in front of me, how can I not see it for a while, the instrumental spirit is like the eggplant like a frost? Was it not very lively before?

"Oh! Don't pretend to be dead! These people are all brought over by you. You can't let them be frightened? Let's get some compensation for them. This time, I promise not to lie to you." He kicked the dead spirit with his toes.

The instrument was crying and gave everyone some Tian Luohua and high-level elixir, and then looked at the clouds at a glance.

"You will swear a swear first, and you will not retaliate against us. I will let you go." Yun Yunyi did not think that the spirit of the eyes was a good match, and it was always right to make an oath.

There is still a little revenge in the spirit of the instrument, and it has been completely dispelled now, because it is understood, this is not a person in front of us, or not to play smart with her.

After the cloud and the scorpion and other spirits made a poisonous oath, they reached out and prepared to help the spirit to open the chain. I didn’t expect the chain to know what the material was, and I couldn’t open it, and I didn’t find any institutions.

At the beginning of the cloud, there is a helpless hand: "Small things, not that I lost my faith, I really can't open the chain that binds you."

The spirit of the instrument is so fast, it is also sent, and the festival is not going to happen. The final result is actually unsolvable? Is there anything more difficult in the world than this?

The conscience of the cloud is rarely on the line, and the tester said: "Or else I will throw you into the fire to burn it? Maybe you can burn the chain."

The eye of the instrument turned over, this time it really fainted!

Throw it into the fire and burn it?

Are you sure you want to unlock the chain and don't want to burn it?

When the cloud first touched the nose, did she say something wrong? The spirit is not a monster, should it not burn?

Jin Zhi really can't see it. He walked to the cloud and said: "Xiao Jiu, you try with a big kitchen knife. I think your big kitchen knife should be able to cut the chain."

At the beginning of the cloud, Jin Zhi felt that there was some truth in it, so he raised the big kitchen knife and prepared to go to the chain of the body. Coincidentally, the instrumental spirit woke up at this time, and when he blinked, he saw that the cloud was holding a large kitchen knife to cut it, and he was dizzy and fainted.

At the beginning of the cloud, the eyes twitched a bit, and the instrument was so stupid that it was rare!

At the beginning of the cloud, he took a big kitchen knife and chopped it at the chain. I didn’t expect it to be like a radish. It was very smooth and the chain was cut off.

At the beginning of the cloud, the principle of not being wasted by good things, naturally put the chain into its own storage ring.

The instrument spirit woke up again and found that he was free, and he was not happy.

It’s obvious that the spirit is not remembered, although it was cleaned up before the beginning of the cloud, but since the beginning of the cloud asked it to eat a barbecue, it’s turned around at the beginning of the cloud. .

In the blink of an eye, it was time for the end of the trial. At the beginning of the cloud, the temporary contract between the beast and the bee was lifted, and then the crying spirit was comforted. The white light flashed and the mystery was revealed.

Everyone outside the Tianluo secrets did not know what was happening in the secret. When the number of people who saw it was less than 70%, they all panicked.

Everyone talked about their experiences, and the rest of the area was only attacked by monsters. They didn't know the rest. Everyone listened to the clouds.

In the end, it was still a small horn that was on the line, and Barabara said things again. Of course, in the process of saying, it is natural to process it, especially highlighting the overall situation of a certain nine, and dedicating one's lofty sentiments.

(End of this chapter)

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