Chapter 2561 earning a little money

Among the 500 people who passed the entry test every time, only a very small number of people will become direct disciples, and a small number will become outside disciples. The rest are chores.

It is said that even the spiritual level of the miscellaneous service passed the assessment is above the second level of the spirit, and those inner disciples are even more than six layers of the spirit.

Ye Bingyu suddenly stunned: "Xiaojiu, I said, you have bought this yard in a hurry? You have a five-layered spirit, a six-layered spirit, a seven-layered spirit, and I am only seven layers of Ling Xuan. For us, even the requirements for the chores are a lot worse! How could it be possible?!"

Blood Promise and Jin Zhi also feel that Ye Bingyu said that there is too much difference in their spiritual power. I am afraid that this time the Xiaojiu will be overturned.

"As the saying goes, the car will have a road to the front of the mountain. The boat will be straight to the bridge. If you can't take it, you can't take it! Look at the ones that you are bitter-faced?!" The cloud was licking the fruit, not too concerned about it. .

Everyone thinks, too, can't go back to school! It’s not that the Yuan Yuanzong Tian collapsed. With such a thought, the three people are not so anxious.

At the beginning of the cloud, I turned over the content of the entry test. I have to say that the mixed Yuanzong is very fun to play, and each test has new tricks, and some tests are simply dedicated to the whole person.

The beginning of the cloud is very doubtful. The reason why the mixed Yuanzong did not register for this is to satisfy the bad taste of the whole person.

A few days later, the entry for the mixed yuan sect began.

When the four people arrived at the registration site, they were really scared. Although there were 20 registration desks, the queues were still in the queue.

At the beginning of the cloud, they estimated that if they were at the end of the team, they would not be able to reach them at night.

"Let's go, come over tomorrow." Yun said in the beginning of the cloud.

"Xiaojiu, it is estimated that it will be like this tomorrow. You haven't seen a steady stream of people coming over?" Jin Zhi said to the crowd who was constantly coming over.

"Reassured, I have my own way, let's go!"

The three golden Jinzhi saw the appearance of a pair of bamboo in the chest, and had to go back to Ninghai City with a dubious follow.

After entering the Ninghai City Yunchu, he came directly to the tooth line and found the former hacker.

"Miss Yun, what do you have to tell?" The hacker asked with a smile, although the younger grandmother asked for a higher amount, but the generous shot, as long as there is money to earn, nothing else does not matter.

At the beginning of the cloud, the hacker called the hacker aside and lowered his voice and said: "The two things you have done for me are good. Now I am giving you a clear road to writing a small fortune."

The hacker’s eyes lit up: "Miss Yun, you are going to talk about it, you can rest assured that I will not let you give pointers."

At the beginning of the cloud, she hooked her mouth and she liked to deal with smart people!

"We just went to the registration site of the mixed Yuanzong. It was a sea of ​​people. The team that signed up was a few miles away.

This is a good opportunity to make a fortune. If you find someone, the more you can, the early greedy queue, and then if you want your position, you will let him pay for it.

In addition, you can invest a small amount of money, hire someone to sell some melon and green bean soup, and even get some words, this estimate is not bad, those who line up are boring to die. ”

The eyes of the hacker suddenly became bright, and he had already seen a lot of Lingshi beckoning to him. Many of these people who apply for the mixed yuan are big families, and they are not bad at all. He can make a fortune.


(End of this chapter)

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