Chapter 2582 Is the monster rioted?

The mixed yuan sect saw the clouds and the frozen potatoes in their barrels, and the heart was cold.

With so much to eat, and they still have poison arrows, they can certainly persist until the end of the test.

At the beginning of the cloud, four people had eaten and drank, so they did not continue to go east. The first time the cloud was so boring, even a large scorpion was carved in wood, and four people were enjoying themselves.

After everyone in the mixed yuan sect saw it, the noses were all mad!

Other testers are in dire straits. These four people are doing well, and they still have fun and playful scorpions. It’s really mad!

On the eighth day of the test, the elders of the foxes had something to do, and they hurriedly left a few words.

Yu Chen’s eyes flashed a few times, giving a disciple to the disciplinist who manipulated the array.

The disciple knew what he was doing and started to make small moves.

Soon, someone exclaimed: "God! How can there be eight-order monsters in this place? This is the beginning of the cloud, they are really dead!"

Everyone gathered around and saw an eight-step iron-backed bear shaking his huge body and heading towards the place where they lived in the clouds.

Everyone is very puzzled, this test area is said to be placed below the fifth-order monsters, how do they meet the eighth-order monsters at the beginning of the cloud? It’s weird!

But strangely strange, everyone suddenly gloated! Isn’t that cloud early? Can't you make money? See how she is still screaming this time!

At the beginning of the cloud, four people also noticed the vibration of the ground. At the beginning of the cloud, the bloodless three people arranged the vine network, and she placed the frozen potato in the back of the four people.

The four people were arranged and climbed the big tree next to them.

When the four people saw the behemoth coming over, the heart was drawn cold and cool! Where can the vine network be able to trap such a big thing? !

Although the net bag made with snake skin at the beginning of the cloud is stronger than the vine network, it can't hold the claws and teeth of the iron back.

At the beginning of the cloud, he picked up a poisonous arrow and shot at the left eye of the iron-backed bear. When he thought of the high-spiritedness of the iron-backed bear, he even flew the poison arrow with his claws.

The iron-backed man was roaring, and a paw smashed the big tree hidden in the cloud. Fortunately, the vines were swayed to another tree at the beginning of the cloud, or else it would be miserable.

The blood is not seeing the iron-backed bear attacking the cloud at first, and it is another arrow against its eyes. The iron-backed bear was still flying with the claws, and turned to the poisonous arrow. He turned and slammed into the big tree with bloodless hiding.

In a little while, more than a dozen big trees were smashed by the iron-backed bear, and the east fell to the ground.

At the beginning of the cloud, the four people swayed on the tree by the vines, but they did not suffer any injuries, but the physical strength was overdraft.

The iron-backed bear screamed and gasped, apparently tired and suffocating, but it would not climb the tree, only to watch the four people on the tree.

The people of the mixed yuan are amazed. These four people are clever. If they have been staying in the tree, the iron bear is estimated to be unable to return. After all, it will not climb the tree.

Yu Chen took a deep breath and looked at the disciple again.

The disciple bit his teeth and tightened his movements.

The people of the mixed Yuanzong exclaimed: "This, what is going on? Is the monster rioted?"

I saw the clouds in the first place, and dozens of monsters came round from all sides, trapping them in the middle of the cloud.

When I saw the scene in front of the cloud, I just wanted to say two words - lying!

(End of this chapter)

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