Chapter 2602 is to be eliminated喽

The group that succeeded in getting the demon nucleus looked at the clouds and looked at them at the beginning of the cloud. The faces were full of gloating.

They dare not face up to provocation, so several groups gathered together to ridicule.

"Your group just got a demon nuclear? Congratulations! Congratulations! Our strengths are similar, and some teams can be miserable!"

"Yeah, who makes them bad, there are only four people! These seven eater's flowers are notoriously difficult, just four of them want to be demon, dreaming!"

"Heavenly cycle, retribution is not good! Some people do more bad things, it is inevitable to be retribution! Haha!"


Ye Bingyu’s face is red, and he has to be separated from them. The cloud has set aside his hand: “It’s nothing more than a mad dog, why bother with them!”

Ye Bing Yu’s slap in the air, not snoring.

The bloodless frowns and frowns, said in a very low voice: "Small nine, this is not the way to go, we have done our best, or there is no way to kill the seven flower heads at the same time. Unless you put the spirit pet out to help, but then I am afraid that it will cause trouble."

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded. "My brother, you said it makes sense. I think about it again. I don't want to let Xiaohe expose them."

The bloodless three people nodded and meditation on the way to crack.

The people of the mixed yuan on the square saw the appearance of the four people who were frowning at the beginning of the cloud. They all ate like a big bun, and the eyes were filled with tears of excitement.

Hahaha! This cloud has finally disappeared at first glance? I thought she was omnipotent! A six-layer of Ling Xuan actually wants to test into the mixed Yuanzong? dream!

The elders of the scene looked at the shadow stone with a beard, and Elder Yu Wen gave him a look: "The more you live, the more you go back! Nothing!"

The elders of the scene gave him a glance: "This is a different story! I have not intimidated other candidates to not team up with her. It is her own bad relationship, depends on me?"

The elders of Yu Wen were stunned and speechless. Yes, this is a free team. No one wants to be with them and they can't rely on others.

Humph! However, this old thing must be deliberately set this level, originally the fifth round of testing is not this **** seven piranhas. He clearly believes that they will be left behind at the beginning of the cloud, it is really treacherous.

In the blink of an eye, two days have elapsed. The worst of the other teams have already received four demon nucleus, but they still have nothing to gain.

At the beginning of the cloud, the mood of the four people was not too high. I didn’t think of any good ideas when I thought about it.

Ye Bingyu gnawed his teeth and said: "Want to blame the person behind the scenes test, if a group of ten people does not have it? In that case, those people can only divide six people and one of us."

At the beginning of the cloud, my heart moved: "Sister Xue Yu, you will repeat the words just now."

Ye Bingyu glanced and repeated the words just now.

In the beginning of the cloud, there was a sly look in the eyes: "I have a way!"

"What is the way?" The bloodless three people were surprised to see the beginning of the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, the three men gathered together and whispered a few words.

"This, Xiaojiu, can this be done? Will they agree?" Jin Zhi felt that the way of clouding was not feasible.

At the beginning of the cloud, I hooked my mouth and said: "Try it! You can't do it. I can only put them in the black."

(End of this chapter)

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