Chapter 2608 is extremely qualified

Blood Promise did not think that he had passed, and had to return to the team, waiting for the test results of Jin Zhi and Ye Bingyu.

Jin Zhi stabilized his mind and lifted his legs into the mountain gate.

The evaluation given by the two scorpions was not too high, but she still allowed her to enter the mountain gate.

Ye Bingyu sees the bloodlessness and Jinzhi both pass smoothly, and my heart is more nervous. Can she do it?

At the beginning of the cloud, the eyes of Ba Ba Ba, the blood is infinitely needless to say, Jin Zhi absorbed the golden light of Xiao Bai face, so the qualifications are much better than ordinary people.

However, Ye Bingyu is just an ordinary person, I am afraid it is difficult to pass, she has to help.

Therefore, when Ye Bingyu stepped into the mountain gate and the stones on both sides were about to be tested, he heard a scream: "Hey! I found out that you are actually two cockroaches! It turned out to be a beast! God. I heard that 貔貅 is the most auspicious beast, able to confiscate evil spirits. It is no wonder that the mixed Yuanzong put you at the gate of the mountain gate!

Hey, you are really loyal, have been here for hundreds of thousands of years, right? It’s really admirable! ”

The two stone scorpions are the stone beasts that guard the mountain gates of the mixed Yuanzong. No one has ever dared to marry them. Naturally, no one dares to talk to them, let alone such flattering words!

Therefore, the two stone scorpions are somewhat aggressive, and they blaspheme the gods, Ye Bingyu has already passed the mountain gate.

The two stone scorpions are naturally reluctant to admit that they have just gone out of their way, so they gave two comments in a vague way, nothing more than a general qualification, and a diligence to make up for it.

The elders of the scene did not have a bad impression on the bloodless three. After all, the bad things were done by the cloud, as long as she did not test it.

When the elders of the scene were about to announce the end of the test, they saw that the little girl had stinked and turned into the mountain gate again.

The elders of the scene can't help but sneer. She is trying to use it for a hundred times. The two stone scorpions are the most stubborn and will not change their minds.

The head of Baili and everyone think so too. This little girl is really ignorant of her depth. She may irritate the two stones when she does this.

The two stone scorpions are indeed irritated!

First, the cloud was once again intrusive, and the second was because of her interference. Ye Bingyu was put in without testing.

The two stones are ready to learn the lessons of the cloud, and at least take her dozens of feet away.

When the two stones were about to start, they suddenly felt the long-lost breath, and that was the smell of their masters.

They discovered that the little girl had a ring in his hand, which was the head ring of the ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty.

At the beginning, this ring was passed to the Yuantian ancestors as a token of the head, but with the disappearance of Yuantian's ancestors, this ring disappeared, and I did not expect it to fall into the hands of this little girl.

The two scorpions are tempted by their temperament. They can ignore the heads of the clouds. In their view, this little girl is their new owner, so instead of flying the clouds, the two scorpions are still He said in unison: "The qualifications are excellent, and it is the celestial arrogance."

Elder King: "..."

Baili head: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Are these two scorpions mad or are they bought by the flattering words of the little girl? Why do you have two opposite attitudes in a while?

(End of this chapter)

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