Chapter 2621 is not welcome.

A certain nine-hearted thing to eat for a meal, Xiaobai face before the character became cold, but nothing, but now it is so arrogant, it is not a good thing.

According to what he said before, his enemies are very powerful. He only has a dark wind as a helper. If you underestimate the enemy, it is easy to have an accident.

It’s a good idea to remind him of it, but now that the little white face is so arrogant, how can he let him listen to her?

Emperor Beibei did not know the cautious thoughts of Yunchu, and stood up and said: "The deity goes to see the waste of blood, and mention him, lest he always drag your hind legs."

At the beginning of the cloud, I felt that my brain is more painful. The black-bone head itself is a arrogant temper. Now I am confronted with this more arrogant little white face.

However, she also saw it. The current temper of Emperor Beibei is one of the best. I am afraid that she can't stop it. She has to say, "Men, I just call the black-brother, you don't have to go to him."

"Alright, you let him hurry up, the deity can wait for him without patience."

At the beginning of the cloud, he took out the identity jade card and sent a message to the bloodless Promise. After a while, the bloodlessness pushed the door open and walked in.

"Small nine sister, what are you looking for? Hehe, busy people are coming? The young master thought you were dead!" When the bloodless stepping into the house, he saw the emperor, and as always, derogated him.

The emperor, who was sitting in a chair, caught his **** neck and shouted coldly. "You waste, do you dare to talk to the deity?"

The bloodless heart is like a dog, this emperor is crazy?

At the beginning of the cloud, he quickly opened the hand of Emperor Beibei: "Men, what are you doing?! The brother of Wuji is not coming up."

Emperor Beibei snorted: "A scorpion ant dared to speak with the deity, and did not directly kill him. It is already an old love."

"Cough! Cough! Xiaojiu sister, what kind of wind is this face?!" Bloody coughs while coughing and asking Yun.

At the beginning of the cloud, when you see the emperor, you have to worry about it. You have to give your blood to the endless eyes: "Wuji brother, don't make a joke! Don't you think the **** is more powerful than before?"

Although the bloodlessness is puzzling, he has to agree: "Oh, ah, it seems like this."

Emperor Bei took a look at him: "Small ants, you are so stupid! Even holding gold to eat. Although you can't compare with the deity, but as long as you unlock your seal, why do you need to be in this small What is the mixed sect?

Blood Promise automatically filtered out what "small ants" and "stupid" words, and he eagerly asked: "Do you have a way to unlock my seal?"

Emperor Bei’s scornful stunned him and said, “No.”

Blood is extremely mad and half dead, what is your strength? ! ill!

At the beginning of the cloud, he said, "Men, it’s not right. Didn’t you slap a part of the seal of Wuji’s brother before?"

Emperor Beibei frowned slightly: "Xiaojiu, don't refute the words of the deity in the future. This time, even if you want to do this again, the deity is welcome."

In the beginning of the cloud, ten thousand heads of the beasts rushed past, and they resisted the anger and squeezed a smile. "Men, I know. I am not refuting you, but I don’t quite understand it. Please ask us." a bit."

(End of this chapter)

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