Chapter 2629, mulberry garden work

At the beginning of the cloud, I am happy: "Yao Lao, you can rest assured! Snow jade can not eat, I have nothing to kill them to do?! Time is not early, I will not bother you to rest, I am gone! ”

Yao’s old man waved his hand and the cloud left.

Yao old man looked at the back of Yun’s back and smiled and shook his head. This little girl could really toss, and hoped that nothing would come out.

The next morning, Yunchu first went to the big kitchen to find the four servants and said her thoughts. He heard the amount of Lingshi promised by the cloud, and the four servants agreed.

Anyway, the four of them can be divided into two shifts, and there is nothing to be tired.

At the beginning of the cloud, the work of the big kitchen was arranged properly, and this took Jinzhi and Ye Bingyu to the Tianzhu Peak.

"Hey, look, the board is fine!"

"Which dish is a fine! It is the flying spirit of the cloud, I have seen it before."

“Hey? She doesn’t work in the big kitchen, what is this going to do?”

"I heard that she took the task of raising snow and silkworms in Tianzhufeng. It is estimated that it is going to Tianzhufeng."

"What? Is her brain sick? Did she pick up the task of raising snow and silkworms?! I heard that all the chores on Tianzhu Peak were avoided. Even the Huo Zhi who took over the mulberry garden actually Unwilling, but arranged above, he had to pick up the scalp."

"That cloud is estimated to be rich in money?! Let's wait and see the excitement!"


After the first three clouds landed on the square of Tianzhu Peak, they walked to the mulberry garden.

A little bit can not be pointed at the way, half of them think that she has a bag in her head, so she took the task of raising snow jade, and the other half thought that the task of Yun Yun was to Fan Mingchuan.

Although Fan Mingchuan had already stated that the two had no marriage contract, but everyone felt that there was no wind and no waves, Yunchu and Fan Mingchuan must have some childhood, wind and snow.

At the beginning of the cloud, I quickly felt the hostility of some female disciples. The eyes looked like a knife and poked on her. At the beginning of the cloud, I was so funny. I didn’t expect Fan Mingchuan’s number of fans to be quite a lot. I don’t know if these people are blind!

With the all the way pointing, the three came to the mulberry garden.

The door of the mulberry garden was opened from the inside. A man wearing a disciple costume was impatient and shouted: "Did you three did not pick up the task yesterday? How come today?! Don't you come in and work?"

After the first three people entered the mulberry garden, the disciple took them directly to a room and pointed to the inside: "Every morning you put these snow jade silkworms on the golden silk mulberry tree, each tree can only Put 20 pieces and keep a certain distance.

Before the evening sunset, the snow jade silkworms will be reclaimed into this silkworm house, and some fresh golden silk mulberry leaves will be placed. I still have things, you must hurry! ”

After the man finished, he hurried away without waiting for the three to ask for some precautions.

"Xiaojiu, how do I think he is letting us top the tank? These snow jadeworms will not have any problems?" Jinzhi frowned.

At the beginning of the cloud, I didn’t say anything, but I picked up a snow jade...

After the disciple who was in charge of the mulberry garden came out of the silkworm house, he let out a sigh of relief and finally found three dead ghosts!

Mu Wu, the bastard, obviously the eye injury is not heavy, but it is very serious to throw this hot potato to him, it is abhorrent!

(End of this chapter)

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