I will come often after Chapter 2652.

"Oh, angry and angry? Even in the face of so many people's face public enmity, you can see that you have never done such a thing before." Yunchu's face did not have a trace of fear, still a cloud of light and light look.

The law enforcement manager’s straight jumped feet: “What are you doing?! Take them away quickly!”

When the law enforcement disciples saw this, they would go forward and send the three people to the cloud to think about the hole. They saw the cloud and said coldly: "Whoever dares to move me, I will kill him! If you don't believe, try it!"

Those law enforcement disciples were scared by the murderous murder of Yunchu, and they listened to Yunchu’s first sigh: "What kind of management, have you forgotten a very important thing?"

Even if you said that there is a little truth, we are leaving the job, but our task is to lead in the chores, the chores did not stop us, which shows that they are acquiescence.

In addition, the elders of the Tianzhu Peak, Ding Elders, and Elder Wan have always maintained friendly exchanges with us. They did not raise any objections to this, and they also rewarded us with 7,500 contributions. According to you, Do you have to punish them?

In the end, we have made tremendous contributions to Tianzhu Peak. I don't believe that Tianzhu Peak will ignore us. Isn't that ungrateful? You are right, the brothers and sisters of Tianzhufeng. ”

Of course, there are people who have a peak in the crowd, and when they hear the question from the beginning of the cloud, they don’t know whether they admit it or deny it. They have no words on their necks.

The small management of the law enforcement office was sweating by Yun’s words. He didn’t think so much. The chores were good to say, but if the three elders of Tianzhufeng really pursued it, he could not bear it. .

At this time, I heard the beginning of the cloud and said: "As we all know, we have got so many contributions because of breeding snow jade. You said that if we die in the hole, the reproduction of the snow jadeworm is affected. Will Tianzhu Peak not find you account?

Of course, you may think that someone will cover you, but the snow jade is the treasure of Tianfeng Peak! Whose face is bigger than the face of Tianfengfeng?

By the way, I think that what you are doing this time is to play the faces of the three elders in the red fruit, and the Tianzhu Peak is therefore dull, oh, you may be unlucky in the future! ”

The little tube was soaked in cold sweat. He promised that when he promised that person, but it was three small chores. He felt that it was a trivial matter.

"Of course, what I said just now is speculation. I believe that the punishment that the manager just gave us may just scare us, right?" The cloud looked like a little smile.

The little thing was weighing the pros and cons while wiping the cold sweat that came out constantly, biting his teeth: "Yes, I was really scaring you. Considering that your starting point is good and there is no loss, you will be fined for half a year." The martial art supplies!"

"For such punishment, we are convinced. If so, then we will go back to the bad, and I will often come to the law enforcement office to stroll, let's exchange and explain the rules of the door."

After the beginning of the cloud, he left the small square with the golden branches and Ye Bingyu.

Standing in the distance, Yao’s old man licked his beard and turned away.

chapter eight. Continue at noon tomorrow, what?

(End of this chapter)

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