Chapter 2656 is about you.

At this time, it was during lunch time that I heard the movement outside and ran out to see the excitement.

They heard the beginning of the cloud saying that they suddenly pinched the cold sweat for her. She was just a chores. The Mu Wu was an inner disciple. She dared to slap him like this. It was a dare!

"You, you, I see you are not seeing the coffin, no tears! You immediately apologize to me, and compensate me for ten million top grade Lingshi, or I will be welcome." Mu Wu said with anger.

"You're welcome? Why are you not rude? Do you want to beat the same door?" Yunchu said with a shoulder disdain.

"You, you, don't forget, although the mixed Yuanzong is forbidden to beat the same door, but you can challenge the book. If you kill the stage, even if I kill you, I won't break the rules."

Everyone heard that Mu Wu said so, suddenly fried the pot!

Although the mixed yuan sect has such a saying that life and death, but the purpose of the mixed yuan sect is the same door friend, so no one will easily challenge the book.

This is because even if it is not handled by the door rules, it is still contrary to the morale of the door.

The reason why Mu Wu said this is also to threaten the beginning of the cloud. He feels that if a small chores are heard, they will be timid and soft.

Everyone's thoughts are similar to those of Mu Wu. They all look at the beginning of the cloud and think she will definitely recognize it.

What everyone did not think was that the beginning of the cloud suddenly jumped to the front of Mu Wu, and it was a palm to Mu Wu.

When the people reacted, Mu Wu had been imprisoned by the beginning of the cloud.

How can it be that everyone blinked? Mu Wu is the eight layers of the spirit, the cloud is only six layers of Ling Xuan, this gap can be described as the difference between the day, how can Mu Wu be blocked by her?

Although it was a sneak attack, it also shows that this cloud is too fast!

Mu Wu’s face turned red, and he never thought that he would not see it for a while. He scorned guiltyly: "What do you want to do at the beginning of the cloud? Do you want to openly beat the same door?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I laughed very brightly: "Congratulations, you are right! I am yours! You are a turtle, I haven’t found you, I have sent you to the door, I am dying!"

At the beginning of the cloud, holding a rolling pin, it’s a slap, and everyone looks silly!

Is this cloud early mad? Does she know that it is punished to openly beat the same door? Moreover, she also committed the following crimes and was beaten by the inner disciples. The punishment will be heavier.

Although Jin Zhi and Ye Bingyu saw that Mu Wu’s nose was swollen, it was very deflated, but he was also very worried. He advised on the side: “Xiao Jiu, don’t fight!”

Yun Chuan said without hesitation: "Don't worry, I have to teach and teach this shameless **** today! Whoever wants to bully us, even if it is the King of Heaven, I will take care of it!"

Jin Zhi and Ye Bingyu know the temperament of the beginning of the cloud. They think that the beginning of the cloud must have a backhand, so they will not persuade.

Song fat man and Luo fat child in the big kitchen stood behind the crowd, but they didn't offend the cloud, but I wouldn't have killed the chicken.

Yao’s old man who heard the movement came out of the house and saw that the cloud that was struggling with the sorrows frowned, but there was no buzz.

At the beginning of the cloud, this meal was called a hearty, Mu Wu’s face had swollen into a pig's head, and the front teeth were knocked out by a certain nine. The blind man shouted.

The fourth is even more. Yesterday, I had abdominal pain in the middle of the night. When I got up and vomited and diarrhea in the morning, I was going to finish writing and then go to the bottle. It really didn’t work. I came back later and updated again. Forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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