Chapter 2672, the sad judge

Yu Wang didn't want to talk, and he didn't want to listen to the little girl, so he reached out and waved, and Yun Yun couldn't move anywhere except the eyes.

The king suddenly felt that the entire government was quiet and grew a sigh of relief. This is the familiar taste.

However, he still feels that his heart is blocked, why is the little girl not afraid? This is not in line with common sense!

Wang Wang frowned and thought about it. It must have been that this little girl was not sentenced, so she was not afraid.

After a while, a judge-like person came in.

When the king waved his hand, the cloud began to restore the function of the speech. The story of the king’s story was: “The bull head and the horse face brought the new ghost cloud to the beginning, and the judge read the sin she committed.”

At the beginning of the cloud, he was taken to the front of the book. The judge took the book of birth and death. The tone was read without any ups and downs: "The beginning of the cloud, because of the killing, Yangshou has done..."

"Hey! Judging the old man, don't say that it's useless, I have become a ghost. Naturally, I know that I am dead. Give me a good idea about what I have committed. What time and where? Who killed it? Why did they kill them?"

The judge's face was stiff, old man? Is it better for people to be middle-aged?

The judge’s right hand was raised, and there was a sin book of more than three feet in his arms. The judge’s eyes twitched and twitched. If he had finished reading it, would he vomit and die?

A certain nine-faced look forwarded: "The judge is old, you are reading! You don't want to be lazy? How can a judge not read a sin? You won't be a false judge?"

The judge looked at the king and looked at him. The king did not say anything. He had to take up the sin book and start to read it. It was called a dry mouth. How could this **** cloud cub kill so many people? !

"Wait a minute!" Yunchu suddenly interrupted the judge.

The judge’s heart grew a sigh of relief. This little girl is also annoying. He can finally be liberated.

What I didn't expect was that the cloud had a small white tooth at the beginning: "What, what do people in your local government usually eat? Give me a copy! I am hungry and don't want it!"

"Shut up! Then read!" The king of the king almost fell to the face of the cloud, and you are dead! You are not coming for sightseeing! Still have to eat? Eat a wool? !

The judge had to continue to read the sad reminder. Sometime from time to time, he would ask for some details, such as: "Wait a minute, how can I not remember that I killed this person? How did I kill him? Who was there when I killed him?" Are you there?"

"Wait a minute, what color dress do I wear when I kill this person? What style of scorpion is inserted on the head?"

"Hey, what is the first thing I killed? What is the hundred and twenty? Is it wrong? How do I remember that it is one hundred and one? You can't give me more, you can read it again!" ”


Finally, the judge vomited and fainted.

"Hey, hey! I said, how do you think this king is? The underworld's business is not skilled. If you get a judge and read a sin book, you can confuse yourself. I see you in this place, I am afraid it is Li Gui. "The cloud said in disarray."

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"Wait, I have something to say!"

When Wang Wang saw the beginning of the cloud, he said that she must have been afraid. She said proudly: "What do you want to say? Ask for mercy? No way!"

(End of this chapter)

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