Chapter 2674 Re-victim fish man

There was no way for the spirit to be taken, and the souls had to be collected.

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw the remnant soul, and said, "I am a clever, how? What tricks do you have? Let me put this lady at a speed! Otherwise, hey, I have to build a door." Alright!"

I’m counting my fingers on my fingers, and I really don’t seem to be able to deal with this metamorphosis! Yes, it is poisonous too! Poisoned this stinky head!

So, the cloud was sent to the ninth floor and was thrown into a bubbling poison spring.

It’s not so good at the beginning of the cloud. I almost didn’t take the ridiculous grass in Dantian crazy!

Since the last incident, because of the guilty conscience, the weeds have picked up the tail and made grass. Nowadays, the food is currently, and naturally, there is no low-key, and the joyful and eagerly rushed to drink the poison spring.

At the beginning of the cloud, she knew that she was not a weird grass. Secondly, she was also angry with the spirit. So she took out a cup and took a glass of water to start drinking slowly.

"Spiritual, although you are black-hearted, but this thing is still good, I am just thirsty, you gave me such a sweet spring, thank you!"

Unbelievable squatting on the ground, this metamorphosis even poisonous springs are not poisonous?

No, impossible!

It must be because she drinks less, so the poison spring has not worked, as long as she drinks a little more, she will be poisoned, certain!

At the beginning of the cloud, I took a drink and I was in a hurry. The food is not hurrying yet, what is it? !

As a result, the sad beginning of the cloud once again lost control of the body, like a small cockroach, squatting in the poison spring began to fill the water.

The spirit is the first to be happy to dance, hahaha, that little girl must be poisonous! So it will be in the poison spring!

However, the water level for Maoduquan is constantly falling?

When the instrumental reaction came over, the poison spring had already been drunk by more than half. In anxious, it also refused to hide the figure. He jumped out and shouted: "You, you, you give me out! That is mine." Poison spring!"

The cloud that lost control of the body slammed the mouth and asked God to send it to God! If the dog's tail doesn't drink the poison spring, it won't be a good time!

The device sees the cloud and does not respond, it is anxious!

Regardless of the shackles, I want to take the cloud from the poison springs. In fact, it can completely get the cloud to the other layers. It is also a concern.

In addition to eating nothing in the strange grass, now see the spirit of the body to stop it from drinking poison springs, where is the willingness to stop, directly put the instrument spirit into the poison spring.

The sad reminder of the spirit was stunned by his poisonous spring. Although he could not die, he could not wake up for a while.

The weird grass throws the spirit into the distance and continues to drink poison springs.

Finally, the poison spring was drunk, and then a light blue mist rose, and it was a mermaid man!

"Dog tail! You hurry to bring me back!" At the beginning of the cloud, he was a mermaid man. He was so excited. The last time the mermaid man disappeared without talking, this time he must ask.

The dog's tail was full of joy, and he handed over the control of the body. The first time, Yun said, "The mermaid brother, this is also part of your soul? Where are the rest of your souls being taken? I will find ways to help You let it out!"

"In..." The mermaid man’s face was not able to say the key words, apparently being banned.

(End of this chapter)

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