Chapter 2682 sends me in again

At the beginning of the cloud, the three of Dantian’s three out-of-the-box spit out Lei Lingli, and she made a breakthrough.

The three knew that this Thunderbolt was only the impact of a certain nine Dan Tian, ​​and finally they were, so it was still cooperating, and constantly swallowing Thunder Ling.

One hour passed, two hours passed...

After four hours, on the fifteenth, the hole was filled with purple lightning, and the nine that was meditating broke out in the same place.

The small leader of the guardian transmission team is chatting with other disciples. The topic of conversation is naturally inseparable from the beginning of the cloud. After all, for so many years, it is the first time that such a strange encounter has been encountered.

"Head, you said that the cloud was just six layers of Ling Xuan. Actually, it was nothing to do for two months in the hole on the fifteenth. How did she do it?"

"I heard that the cloud is very rich at the beginning of the cloud. It is estimated that there are quite a lot of defensive artifacts and even fairy wares, so naturally it will be able to resist for a long time."

"You are right, but it is not rich. Is it not enough to let her go out early? What did she think?"

"Who knows, maybe it is really self-blame?"


When everyone was talking about it, I saw a little girl suddenly appearing on the transmission line. Who isn’t it? !

At the beginning of the cloud, I opened my eyes and looked at it, huh? How to get a level is sent out?

At the beginning of the cloud, the small head of the cockroach swayed and waved his paw: "What is it, is the brother you sent me out?"

The head of the small head is shaking like a rattle, and the conscience of heaven and earth, he did nothing!

"Is it a problem with the transmission? Brother, come and send me in, I will continue to think about it!" Yun said with a smile.

The little boss is like a dog. In general, it’s all out. How can I still want to go in again? Even if you just want to find a reason, don't want to go in again?

However, he did not have a position to prevent the cloud from breaking into the first place. He had to print it again and sent the cloud to the 15th.

After the cloud returned to the hole, it found a problem.

That is, although the wind blade is still scraped once every half hour, the lightning is gone.

This product is guilty of touching the nose, hey, is it the reason for her breakthrough? Wouldn't you think about the lightning inside the hole?

It shouldn't be. After all, these thoughts are about a hundred thousand miles away.

The goods shook his head, and the 15th thought of the hole was considered a waste, and he could not come again in the future.

This product feels that since there is no thunder, there is no point in waiting for it. I have to find a way to go out.

Therefore, the goods began to coat the wall with mud in the gap where the wind blade stopped, so as not to be transmitted when it was too late.

When the stone wall was almost smeared, the goods sent a letter to Jin Zhi, let her go to the law enforcement office, and said that she could not hold back, and quickly let her go.

"Small nine, you can't come out before you let them out, now go to them, can they let you out?" Jin Zhi said with some concern.

"Reassured, who makes me useful! They will let me out, and when you arrive, send me a voice." Yunchu said with confidence.

After listening to Jin Zhi, he rushed to the law enforcement office in an emergency.

Coincidentally, today is still the duty of the clock, and Jin Zhizhi said that although the clock management is not arrogant, but for fear of offending Zhuo Fengzhu, he had to bring the golden branch to see the elders of Chu.

After communicating with the identity of the Zhuofeng master, the elder Chu used to signal the bell to carry the golden branch.

(End of this chapter)

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