Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 2692: Apologize for the beginning of the cloud

Chapter 2692, Yun’s apology

The elders of Yuwen and the elders of Jing’s face were so aggressive that the first time they saw an apology was so full of fanfare, the face of this cloud was so thick!

Everyone has long watched the movement of the House of Representatives. Now, when I heard the hustle and bustle of the cloud, it was natural that all of my brains ran to the square.

Anyway, the Mixed Square is big enough and it is not afraid to stand up.

When Yunchu started to follow the elders of Yuwen, there were already many people on the square.

In the early days of the cloud, it seems that the amateur cultural life of the mixed Yuanzong is very scarce. So many people have come to listen to her apologize, it is really a painful egg.

I have already had a disciple ready for the shadow stone. When the cloud apologizes, I will record it all the time. At that time, I will play it for a few days in the square, so that I can restore the reputation of the elders.

At the beginning of the cloud, I walked to the high platform opposite the shadow stone and coughed: "That, that, everyone is quiet, I have to apologize!"

Everyone was quiet and looked at the clouds standing on the high platform.

At the beginning of the cloud, I feel that this feels good. I am very eye-catching, but unfortunately I apologize. If I used to blow anything, it’s still quite a fork.

"Everyone, I am here to apologize today. But before I apologize, let me introduce myself.

I am the first time in the kitchen of the big kitchen. Although I only have six layers of Ling Xuan, but my eyes are not sand, whoever provokes me, even if I am a disciple, I am not wrong.

I have been to the hole for a few times. I have been familiar with it for two times. If you are not afraid of it, if you are tempted me, I welcome you at any time.

Also, whoever says bad things behind me, if I hear it, I will kill you! ......"

The elders of the scene are almost angry in the air, is this an apology? She is obviously coming to Yaowu Yangwei!

When the elders of the scene were planning to speak, they heard the words of the beginning of the cloud and said: "Well, the previous ones are off topic. I am mainly apologizing to the elders of the scene today.

As a chores, I shouldn’t yell at the old boss. I shouldn’t say bad things to his old man, and shouldn’t say ambiguous words to mislead everyone. There have never been any female disciples, and the disciple I said is male, called Wu Shan.

I sincerely apologize to the elders of Jing, I am sorry for you, I should not talk nonsense, please do not mind the villain, forgive me! ”

The voice of the beginning of the cloud just fell, and everyone on the square fry!

"What? The original elders liked Wushan? What he liked was a male disciple?"

"God! No wonder the disciple disagrees! It’s terrible. Later, we will stay away from the elders of the scene!"

"Go and go, just like you look like this, the elders of the family will not see you!"


The old man of the scene fainted, and at the beginning of the cloud, you simply missed the eight generations of virtue!

Elder Yu Wen also couldn't take care of the unpleasantness of the two people. He quickly fed a medicinal herb to the elders of Jing, and the elders of the scene woke up.

Elder Yu Wen glanced at the beginning of the cloud on the stage. At the beginning of the cloud, he narrowed his neck and said loudly: "Oh, you guys! What are you thinking about in your mind?! I will tell you about the process in detail. This is the case, I was originally going to pass the temple to pick the fruit..."

When everyone listened to the narrative of Yunchu, they realized that they wanted to smash, and their faces were awkward. This is not a big deal. It is mainly because this cloud is too easy to talk about.

Eighth. See you at noon tomorrow, what?

(End of this chapter)

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