Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 2699: Black heart can’t come out

Chapter 2699, the black heart is not coming out.

"Head, the voice we sent to Xiao Jiu failed, she must be in danger, and let her out!" Jin Zhi said with a cry.

The head of Baili was not too concerned. He thought that this must be the little trick that the little girl wanted to release in advance, but let the law enforcement officers go to the cloud.

The small leader of the guardian transmission team was somewhat guilty. He knew that according to the temper of the cloud, he could not pack him after he came out.

So, the beginning of the war, the beginning of the print, did not expect that nothing was transmitted!

The small leader comforted Jin Zhi: "It may be blowing the wind blade now, half an hour, I will try again."

Half an hour passed and the small leader finished printing again, and nothing was transmitted.

One hour passed and there was still no success.

This time, not only the golden branch panicked, but the small boss also panicked.

If the cloud is really dead, he will not escape. But even if it is dead, there should be at least a body? Why is there nothing?

Jin Zhi anxiously went to find the door of Baili. Originally a small handyman, where would the door of Baili be placed on the heart? ! However, at the beginning of the cloud, he often went to him to brush his face. Secondly, because of the temple of the demon, the head of Baili was quite close to the heart.

Immediately, I really went to the transmission array of thought through the hole.

The small leader said things again, and Jin Zhi took the initiative to ask for it.

The little leader said with a smile: "If you think about someone in the hole, the rest will not be sent."

In order to let Jin Zhi believe that the small leader called a disciple who was on duty, sure enough, there was no way to transmit it.

Jin Zhi and Ye Bingyu are pale, what should I do? Can you wait?

The head of Baili is also frowning. The recent events in the mixed Yuanzong are strange and strange. How can this hole in the end of the hole be normal?

No way, I had to ask the four elders of the elders again to ask about the way to rescue the cloud.

The four elders of the elders shook their heads again and again: "Since the establishment of the martial art, there has been a cave, and even the transmission array has been left in the ancient times. Therefore, we are powerless."

When Jin Zhi heard it, he suddenly felt that his head was awkward.

However, fortunately, such things often happen in the beginning of the cloud, she has some psychological capacity. She had to tell the news to the dark wind and let him tell the Emperor.

The people of the mixed Yuanzong heard that the beginning of the cloud was overwhelming, and more than half of the people were gloating! This can not be ignored by others, mainly because the cloud is too high-profile before the goods, attracting too much hate value.

The most sad ones are the Zhuofeng Lord and the Elder Jiang, who are the peaks of the Tianzhu Peak. The little hoes are fart, and their breeding of snow jadeworms has also died.

So, the little leader who guarded the hole was angered!

He was given a crime of leaving his job, and he was directly turned into a servant by the inner disciple.

The little head was almost depressed and didn't commit suicide, but he thought that he himself was self-sufficient. At that time, if he could take the courage to release the cloud, he would have no later things.

So what is Black Heart Nine doing?

Since Black Heart Nine discovered that spiritual power can't be used, it can only hope that it will be transmitted.

It is a pity that there is still no movement after one day and one night. She knows that the transmission array is not expected, and she can only save herself.

Because there is no spiritual power, the storage ring can't be used, and the things in the virtual reality can't be taken out. The biggest problem is, if you don't eat or drink, how can you live?

(End of this chapter)

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