Chapter 2767 stealing shrimp

The first place to go to the beginning of the cloud is actually the water peak. This product is also very boring. She just wants to hear how the people talk about stealing thieves.

The disciples of Shuifeng saw the beginning of the cloud, and many people originally planned to be far away from her, lest they be dragged by this disaster star.

However, this mouth is sweet, and soon it was close to a few disciples.

When the disciples saw it, this cloud was not as fascinating as the legendary ones. It was just a little girl, and it was quite eloquent.

Therefore, under the guidance of the cloud in the first place, the people talked about the jade.

"Yun Shimei, you don't know, you don't know how the thief who lacked morality succeeded. He even stole more than half of the jadeite! It is mad at us!"

"There is no trace of destruction in the surrounding array, and there are no outsiders entering the water peak. It’s a hell!"

"Yeah, since this happened, we have added a lot of people to the shrimp pond in Shuifeng, for fear that the thief who lacks morality will go to the idea of ​​playing the green jade shrimp."


Someone stealing a thief in the heart, hey, the water peak actually has sapphire shrimp? These days, I have been tired of eating and eating. It is good to change the taste.

So, this product was curious to ask: "Sapphire shrimp? We have water jade and sapphire shrimp, not that the stuff is very expensive, very difficult to raise?"

One of the disciples proudly said: "Yun Shimei, I am not talking about it. This Xianyuan continent only has our sapphire and sapphire shrimp. Do you know why?"

At the beginning of the cloud, Shake shook his head: "Why is this?"

“Because sapphire and sapphire shrimp have very high requirements on the living environment, especially the water has strict requirements, and our water peak has a fairy spring, the spring water spewed out by Shenxianquan is suitable for the survival of sapphire and sapphire shrimp.” The disciple said proudly, I don’t know, he is the rhythm of the water peak to the pit of death!

"Senior brother, that **** Xianquan is so bullish, why don't we raise some jade and jade shrimps? Isn't that a waste of resources?" Yun asked.

The disciple sighed: "Yun Shimei, you only know that one does not know the other. Although the fairy spring is good, but only a few springs can be spewed out every day, so even if you want to expand the scale, you can't do it."

The small heart of the cloud is violently beating, feeding, and only a few springs can be spewed out every day?

Does that mean that the underground river that she discovered can make a big fuss? Maybe you can make a fortune!

This cargo suddenly has a good idea of ​​making a fortune. If the jade jade needs sunshine, it is said that the jade shrimp is like a dark environment. If she gets a few pairs of public jade sapphire shrimp into the dark river, she will be there. Don't you make a fortune?

The goods were taken in a quiet manner, and the shrimp pond for breeding the jade shrimp was on the edge of the pond. Therefore, the goods decided to find a chance to steal the shrimp.

After another half-month, the goods felt that the wind was not so tight. On a high-weather night, the goods ran to the back of Jinfeng, and the little black mouse began to dig holes.

The long-eared wind-blade rabbit came to help, and the cloud-stricken one let the silly rabbit wait until they went down, and covered the stone on the slate to cover it.

The silly rabbit saw the medicinal herbs thrown at the beginning of the cloud, and immediately nodded his head.

Today is still a million, one chapter is updated. When the bamboo is slowed down, it will resume the one-time update eight chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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